Integrating 5 Great Pedagogies

I recently did a Webinar on this topic.  Which is a bit absurd, really, because each deserves not only its own Webinar, but a full course to do justice to the ideas, models and research. But the point of the Webinar was to stimulate thinking in a couple areas:

  1. to see that a shift toward Intrinsic Motivation IS possible and robustly supported by rich pedagogies, and
  2. these pedagogies, when used in harmony, actually create synergies that maximise their benefits.

So the purpose of this post is to provide links to resources that people can pursue to learn more about each of the pedagogies.  As the graphic below suggests, there are LOTS more than 5 great pedagogies and many more than are shown here.  My goal was to choose a reasonable number and play with how they can be integrated.  You can access a recording of the Webinar if you are interested.


Self Determination Theory – Intrinsic Motivation

Positive Psychology – Personal Meaning, Flow & Grit

Web sites & Resources


Understanding by Design™ – Deep Learning

Using backward design, does your school have a continuum of rich performance tasks that validate the vision and prompt interdisciplinary demonstrations of students’ understandings that require their transfer to new contexts?

Web sites & Resources


Cultures of Thinking – Thinking Routines

Web sites & Resources


SOLE – Self-Organised Learning Environments

Websites & Resources


Northside Christian College – Day 2

Welcome Back!

Today we will carry on from yesterday to refine our definition of Successful Learners and develop Look to Learn activities for units of work.

Years 5 – 12

  • Revisit Successful Learners to highlight and comment on different pedagogical strategies to achieve the vision.
  • Apply the contribution of Look to Learn activities.
  • Choose 2-3 to focus on first as a school.

The Edge-ucators Way

Tom will present the background and rationale for these approaches for staff consideration.

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

Enhancing Years 5 – 12 Units of Work

Target aspects of developing “Successful Learners” in an upcoming unit of work – perhaps through including Look to Learn / Visible Thinking activities, using CEQ•ALL or problem-based learning (WebQuests).

Teaching and Learning Committee

Change Management / Michael Fullan

Background Documents

Learning to Lead Change

Prep – Year 4

“Successful Learners”

Classblog Samples – Edublog 2012 Winners

Stixy – post what you like and want to do

Hands-on with Schoology

Enhancing Units of Work

Target aspects of developing “Successful Learners” in an upcoming unit of work – perhaps through including Look to Learn / Visible Thinking activities, using CEQ•ALL or problem-based learning (WebQuests).



ISV Series Wrap-ups

Welcome Back!

Welcome to what is a bitter-sweet day where we get to see what great work everyone has done this year, but also have to say good-bye.

The main focus is giving people enough time to share what they have trialled (and mastered!) in terms of integrating ICTs and authentic student learning.   As such, I’ve asked participants to send along links to illustrate their journeys.

I’ve asked participants to reflect on the following:

  • your own learning,
  • how you have supported collegial learning, or
  • how you have fostered student learning

Real, Rich and Relevant


Thursday – AGQTP

Madhuri Noah

Ian Daw

Anne Tonga

Amy Thompson

 Susan MacKay

Sandra England

Renee Hall

Mike Dye

Michelle Nachsatz


Joel Halperin


Lisa Duggan

Daryl Davey

EtherPad Collaboration on Choice, Competence, Challenge and Culture


Trial ClassBubbles (oxley)

Review Concepts & Links

Looking to Learn

Example: History Compressed – See – Think – Wonder


For Ideas & Inspiration


Recent Samples

Older Examples

Tom’s WebQuest Resources

Transformation Tweakers

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

Web 2.0



Additional Challenges

  • Create Collaborative Partnerships
  • Prepare Staff PL / Presentations
  • Tweak WebQuest Transformations
  • Explore Twitter
  • Build a Netvibes Feed page

 Preparing for 2013


ClassPortals 2 Day Workshop


Please begin by using the comments link on this post to introduce yourself.

After adding your comment, you might like to download handout packet for this 2 Day Workshop or Tom’s Web 2 Tools Overview handout.

Activity 1: Examples from previous Studies of Asia Workshops

To get a sense of what we will be creating over the next two days, please explore the work created by participants in previous sessions.  Try to notice the features, strategies and benefits gained from such a learning platform.

Brainstorm what you noticed using a shared Stixy board

Activity 2: Creating Your Smart Online Space

Fine-tuning your Blog

Activity 3: The ClassPortal Twist

Tom’s Intro


  • Focus on one compelling topic (with all its interesting connections to others)
  • Embody a passionate interest of the teacher and students
  • Continue in the background of class activities drawing attention when something in the real world provokes it
  • Act as a platform for things like writing, podcasts, videos, photos, cartoons, data collection, etc.
  • Make a contribution to the world’s learning



For Ideas

For Inspiration

Activity 4: Developing your ClassPortal

Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples

Task: Create 2 – 4 Look to Learn Activities for your students

Activity 5:  Enrich your site with content and media

RSS Feeds

Other Media

Managing Links

Activity 6: CEQ•ALL – Student-managed Learning


Important – please complete this form (made with jotform)


WebQuest Day 2

Welcome Back to Day 2!

Today we have three main objectives:

  1. Get a clear experience / understanding of the Group Transformation phases from the Day 1 WebQuest.
  2. Draft a WebQuest on a topic of your own choosing.
  3. Make sure you have the platform & digital resources to develop the draft WebQuest.

Activity 1 – Revisiting the Group Process

To make sure you have a successful experience from the inside of a group transformation process, I’ve revised the task into this handout: School 3.0 WebQuest Group Task.  Let’s do this as a warm-up and then debrief.

Extra Inspiration for current models?

Your Versions

Sampler of Group Process Tasks Tom’s Used

Activity 2 – Drafting Your WebQuest

Use the handout from Day 1: Designing a WebQuest.  Focusing on page 2, brainstorm the big pieces of the WebQuest you could develop. At this stage you want to see the overall construct because once you start developing it, it’s easy to get stuck into a “timesuck” or bogged into details and surfing.  Let’s keep our heads-up and think “Big Picture” or you will realise the truth behind every WebQuest (it can expand to include the universe of thinking and topics).

Topics and Questions – EtherPad Brainstorming?


Activity 3:
Building / Enriching Your Smart Online Space

WordPress Support

Activity 3:
Developing Your WebQuest

Gather Resources & Perspectives

Thinking Tools


Develop your WebQuest to share a solid draft on October 13.

Caroline Chisholm Workshops

Ongoing work with Caroline Chisholm Catholic College in Melbourne focuses on 1:1 learning and their Notebook program.  A special CCCC blog has been set up with sample look to learn activities, links to ClassPortals and WebQuests as well as beginning to codify a range of ICT and pedagogical certificates of professional achievement based related to these survey results.  We’re working  to support blog-based 1:1 personal learning for students.  This complete set of materials and advice about CEQ•ALL is also available for download.

Look to Learn for Early Years


Look to Learn: Developing a Culture of Inquiry in Early Years’ Classrooms

The Blurb: Experienced teachers know that positive routines form a foundation to classroom learning.  We often use them to manage classroom behaviours and basic skills. However, routines can also be used to engage students in critical thinking and knowledge building, activities often considered beyond the abilities of early years learners.  Participants in this one day session experience what it’s like to “Look to Learn” from the inside and then use and create such activities for their own students. See how rich digital media like blogs, videos, podcasts and images stimulate interest that is then developed through routines that prompt critical and creative thinking.
Here’s a set of materials to guide what you do.

Look to Learn Links

Online Samples

Building your Looking to Learn Platform

Choose your Approach

  1. Easy YouTube downloader for Firefox
  2. TubePrompter
  3. Get a WordPress Blog

If WordPress, then get started!

Visible Thinking Tools

Site to visit Regularly

Manage your Rich Media Links

  • Diigo Social Bookmarks: get the toolbar,  login and start bookmarking!
  • Consider joining or pinching from the Look to Learn Diigo Group
  • Revisit the Look to Learn site to bookmark what you like

Studies of Asia


I have the pleasure of facilitating another 2 Day workshop for the Studies of Asia group at the Victorian department of education.  Lindy Stirling, State Advisor, Studies of Asia (see the Studies of Asia Wiki) has organised this session at the Clifton’s in blustery Melbourne.

The extensive handouts are available here:

Please begin by using the comments link on this post
to share your personal learning goals for the session.

You can also explore the work created by participants in previous sessions:

1. Smart Online Environment

  • Your current space or
  • Get a Blog
  • Modify the Blog’s Appearance
  • Settings for success
  • Making a Post – embedding YouTube
  • Creating a Page

2. Rich Resources

  • Get a Diigo Account
  • RSS Feeds from Pageflakes
  • Set up a page of feeds
  • Add it as a Pagecast link from your blog
  • iTunes – browse and subscribe
  • YouTube / TubeChop
  • TED Talks

3. Digital Learning Pedagogy

  • Dispositions, Habits of Mind, Intrinsic Motivation
  • Look to Learn
  • ClassPortals
  • WebQuests 2.0

4. Self-managed Learning Framework for students

  • The Remembered 20%
  • Map Skills to Hit 50
  • The Students’ Half

Studies of Asia Links

Project Parameters

Project – topic / title

Content area(s)

Year Groups

Main Technologies

Possible Collaborations