Northside Christian College – Day 2

Welcome Back!

Today we will carry on from yesterday to refine our definition of Successful Learners and develop Look to Learn activities for units of work.

Years 5 – 12

  • Revisit Successful Learners to highlight and comment on different pedagogical strategies to achieve the vision.
  • Apply the contribution of Look to Learn activities.
  • Choose 2-3 to focus on first as a school.

The Edge-ucators Way

Tom will present the background and rationale for these approaches for staff consideration.

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

Enhancing Years 5 – 12 Units of Work

Target aspects of developing “Successful Learners” in an upcoming unit of work – perhaps through including Look to Learn / Visible Thinking activities, using CEQ•ALL or problem-based learning (WebQuests).

Teaching and Learning Committee

Change Management / Michael Fullan

Background Documents

Learning to Lead Change

Prep – Year 4

“Successful Learners”

Classblog Samples – Edublog 2012 Winners

Stixy – post what you like and want to do

Hands-on with Schoology

Enhancing Units of Work

Target aspects of developing “Successful Learners” in an upcoming unit of work – perhaps through including Look to Learn / Visible Thinking activities, using CEQ•ALL or problem-based learning (WebQuests).