Exploring Leadership

1. The Characteristics of Leaders

Last week students at CCF6 brainstormed the characteristics that they thought good leaders demonstrate.

Here is a list showing the terms used as nouns and adjectives with their syntactical context.  Use this page to help you write your sentences in the next step:

The list is now in a Google Doc where students should write correct and meaningful sentences for each term.  Students can count-off or choose their favorite terms to write sentences about.  When the sentences are drafted, they will be reviewed for correctness and then rehearsed aloud to practice English pronunciations.

2. Finding Characteristics You Value

The class brainstormed 18 different — and important — characteristics for for leaders.  But no one in the world can be this good!  Please choose 4 – 6 that you think are the most important. You will use these to analyse different leaders from the past the present.  Let’s practice with one leader who has recently died.

Remembering Nelson Mandela

Watch the video and pay attention for examples of any of the 4 – 6 characteristics of a leader that you chose.

When the video is over (or we have watched enough), you will answer this question and support your answer using your 4 – 6 characteristics of a leader:

Was Nelson Mandela a Great Leader?

Claim Support Question

1. Make a claim about the topic

2. Identify support for your claim

3. Ask a question related to your claim

WebQuests Day 1

Getting WebQuests

The following is a WebQuest designed to introduce educators to both the lived experience of a WebQuest as well as some of the challenges and opportunities we face in 21st Century schools.


“In the beginning, there was the computer, then the Internet (the Internet?).  In 1994, along came the World Wide Web.  Within 15 years a few things happened…”

Big Question

How should schools change to adapt to the 21st Century?

You have +45 minutes to immerse yourself in your role and begin addressing your task below.



Task: Given the changes in technology, how can it support school-based learning? (click to begin answering)


Task: Given expert opinions about the old and new ways of schooling, how do you think schools could / should change to suit the 21st Century? (click to begin answering)


Task: Given the changing landscape of global education, how could / should Australian schools change to suit the 21st Century? (click to begin answering)


Task: Given the new media and ways of expression, how could / should  learning be represented by Australian schools in the 21st Century? (click to begin answering)

Group Task

Now that you have been able to focus on one aspect that impacts learning and schools in this century, you need to bring this expertise together to answer the Big Question:

How should schools change to adapt to the 21st Century?

Your Team answer must include consideration of each of the four main areas.  In other words, the group response must be informed by an understanding of changes happening in the following four areas:

  • Technology
  • Pedagogy
  • Education
  • Creative Media

[nggallery id=1]
creator / pedagogy / schools / technology

Your team can choose how to present your answer.  One suggestion is to create an Infographic. Here is a description of how to do it and here’s a tool you can use (Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4 or use a whiteboard wall or?).

Presentation and Feedback

Each team presents their ideas.

Debriefing and De-constructing the “WebQuest”

Use this stixyboard to brainstorm your insights into the WebQuest process

Use the Comments link at the bottom of this post to give Tom feedback on how this experience was for you.




Next Steps – Homework for next week

  1. choose a topic
  2. brainstorm its related perspectives
  3. If you have time, begin looking for resources

Day 5 – Showcase & CEQ•ALL


As the final day in the 5-Day Series, we 1) showcase participants’ work and 2) focus on supporting student self-managed learning.

Activity 1: Case Studies of Participants’ Work

Please use the comments link on this post to submit a URL if the one listed below is not your main site.

Real, Rich and Relevant Group

Use the Beta EtherPad to offer comments and encouragement.

Activity 2: Self-managed Learning Framework for students

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Work period reviewing / integrating student-managed learning into projects

Activity 3: Work Period & Discussion

Last chance for input and sharing as a group

  • Techniques like Diigo, Netvibes, podcasts, WordPress
  • Consider school strategic directions (WordPress installation?)

Activity 4: Reflection & Feedback

WebQuest Day

Quick Brainstorm

What are WebQuests? – stick up your thoughts


Topics and Questions

Gather Resources & Perspectives

Thinking Tools

Collaboration Platforms

Possible Sources for Real World Feedback

  • Local experts, older students, parents, community clubs, etc.
  • Technorati – Search Real Blogs & Posts –  caution  advised
  • Aardvark – Ask real people who have some expertise on a wide range of real world subjects.
  • AllExperts – post questions to real people.
  • Australian Parliament – House of Representatives

WebQuest Resources



WebQuests .9 & 1.0


“Geek like and Encryption”

  1. Go to the Web 2.0 Glossary. Web 2 Alphabet, Web 2 Jargon Buster,
  2. Make up at least a sentence of “GeekSpeak”.
  3. Be sure to lay the jargon on thick, but see that you make (relative) sense.

Then enter your Geek Speak as a comment below.

Web 1 vs Web 2 Table

What’s the difference?

Web 1.0 Web 2.0
Coppermine Photo Gallery » Flickr or Tag Galaxy
WebMuseum » The Thinker Imagebase (with zoomify) or Jackson Pollock.org
HyperHistory » Dipity Timeline
Britannica Online » Wikipedia
personal webpages » Twitter
Bloglines RSS Feeds (web 1.5) » Pageflakes
Graphic Organizers » Exploratree
Yahoo » tagging (Google News) or TagCloud
MapQuest » Google Maps