Bald Self-Promotion

Don’t you get annoyed by those websites that post “awards” pages with dozens of images that take forever to load? Do you find text-based “award” pages less annoying? ‘Hope so…The following are snippets from email messages received by over the past few years.

Garrison Keillor once said that they call Wisconsin the “Badger State” because whenever you give Wisconsinites a compliment they say, “Oh, you’re not so badger self.” As a born and bred Milwaukeean, Tom’s not crazy about flaunting these too kind words. Then again, we want to build a house and pay for violin lessons, so…

Feedback on in-person presentations and workshops


I loved it. So much inspiration and verification of what I have been trying to do. – Jenny Missen

Tom did a great job pulling together the areas of ICT in education and UbD, with practical ways to engage students while giving them choice and ownership of their learning. – Angela Dunn

An engaging mix of explanation, demonstration and discussion. Some great ICT tools were shown that I would not have come across by other means, all very usable and applicable in the classroom. – Sue Snell

Very easy to listen to. Very engaging. Very knowledgable. Really liked the CEQALL. I can see myself using this right away. – Donald MacDonald

prized feedback from real web gods

I am very impressed with the work you are doing with the Webquests. They are somewhat similar to the research modules which I have been constructing with teachers in various districts and encouraging with the Module Maker on my site.

As I speak in various places I will point folks your way and I have added your site as an example of what students might do in the Wired Classroom in the March issue of From Now On.

Congratulations on developing such excellent models!

I have worked through elements of the China unit and am very impressed. Thank goodness you are requiring original thought.

Best regards,

Jamie McKenzie
From Now On
Educational Technology Journal

Considering the glut of educational materials now on the web, it’s amazing how little is out there actually describing why and how you’d put together a web-based curriculum. Your work is a much welcomed oasis… thanks!

Andy Carvin
The EdWeb Project
WWWEDU Moderator

I’m a big fan! I absolutely love the resources that you’ve developed and present along with SDSU and Pacific Bell. They get to the heart of REALLY INTEGRATING the Internet in the classroom!

Jim Woodell
Director of School Change Works
formerly of GlobaLearn and Tom Snyder Productions

Your work is really quite remarkable, but I’m sure you know that. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate it and how wonderful it is to see someone headed in this direction. You are doing much to help all of us make the case for the effective use of technology.

Caroline McCullen, Instructional Technologist
MidLink Magazine

feedback on – /

Thanks for your great site – now I know why so much that is presented as “educational internet learning” is not very good – portals, CAL etc are all stuck on the lists of information strategy format. I am trying to do Internet training for students and teachers. So this site is an inspiration.

Janet Martin
Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, UK

I’ve only scratched the surface of this site but it is exactly what I was looking for! I’ve been trying to share my enthusiasm about the internet with other teachers and have been organizing a few workshops. Your site confirms that what I’m doing is on track and helps fill in a few of the missing links. Thanks for all of your hard work!

Debbie Meyer
High School/College/Workshop Instructor
Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

I just discovered your website and I love it. Thanks for the insight. I am currently working on my Master’s through Walden Univ. and you have given me so much insight. I am hungry for more. I’d love a newsletter or whatever you have available. I would love to know more so I can share it with others. Teach me please. I am far from being computer literate but I am learning. Thanks for your input!!!

Melinda Clements
Teacher/High School/English I & Specialized Reading

It’s been a while since I last visited your site. Your information is so potent that I have had plenty to synthesize!

Shannon Greaves
Technology Staff Development
Stoughton Schools

My name is Luann Russell and I teach technology to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. This summer I am developing workshops to teach teachers about designing curriculum using the web. Your site is absolutely, positively awesome! … The easiest-to-use and most informative educational site I have ever visited.

Luann Russell
Meridith-Dunbar Elementary
Temple, TX

A wonderful website, so informative in a constructive and non-threatning …. plan to use it in a Professional Development class I will be presenting this summer. Keep up the great work…we need more like you!

Susan Fitchko
Supervisor, Library Media Services

WOW! And thanks…what a site! I’m a grad student at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. in Educational Technology Leadership, in the Grad School of Education and Human Development. The entire program is distance ed.

These eyes have seen lots of Web pages. I hope you are winning awards. You should be. Thanks!

Hildy Montaigne
George Washington University

Dear Tom @ oz

One day while searching for Oz links for an online course, synchronicity brought me to your site. Thank you for sharing so much of your work online. Your site makes complex ideas simple.

I am building my website two mistakes and one link at a time. Your site offers models which the novice can use and the expert can embellish. Right now, I am firmly stuck in the first category, but nothing is static. In particular, those things relating to the Internet and the web.

You took some of the glue off my feet. I guess it’s the same glue that used to be used by graphic designers. For months I drooled over the program Photoshop. Then just stared at it – paralyzed. Your directions have allowed me to take another tentative step forward.

Claire Cohen

in-person and online teaching Support

OK don’t get a swelled head now…but here’s a quote from an email that Eleanor sent me……

“By the way, I met Tom at NECC. His overall demeanor is amazing, boy does he command respect in a very unassuming way! The participants were absolutely enchanted by him. We are so lucky to be hosting this conference. Thank you.”

Personally I’m relieved to know you are as good in person as online!!!! 🙂 See ya soon…

Pam Hale

What a wonderful workshop you did for us. It is a highlight in my educational career to work with such a caring pro. I will always be pleased to support your outstanding work.

Diane Malison
Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I really learned more during this course than in any of the others I have taken. I enjoyed learning about the web and how to make it work for us. Thanks again.

Doug Kishbaugh

A week or so ago I requested permission to reproduce your first article, Sorting strands…for Educators. When you replied, you recommended your next: “Working the Web for Education.” I did. I am blown away! What a fantastic gift to the educational community this is. I still haven’t gone through the whole tutorial, but I just had to THANK YOU for another outstanding job!! Are you taking this on the road at all? or, do you give presentations for school districts?

Ann Woodrow
Portola Valley School District CA

[From a thread Tom started on the WWWEDU list] Subject: Technology Integration or Thinking Integration?

Tom March wrote: it doesn’t do

much good to jump into WebQuest design if people haven’t some personal
experience and insight into the Web already.

Exactly the problem. With veteran teachers who have just gained access, it’s mighty tough to jump right from “this is called a CPU” to real integration. Yet that’s the task before us.

And he continued: when you serve colleagues things like Quia, I

believe you also need to be saying at the same time, “And this is why
you don’t really want to use it.”

Thank you for that one! The teacher in question had planned to use it ALL YEAR with his students (geez) and is thoroughly annoyed that I’m attempting to convince him that this isn’t what I’ve been yammering about! Quia is fine as ONE tool in the arsenal.

And your discussion of Subject Samplers has me re-tooling our next professional development day.


Barbalee Blair
Clayton Schools NM



I am new to WebQuest, but so excited about it.

I am also grateful for your site. I have been bouncing around trying to find something to help me get going. It is the best $25 I have spent in a long time. (Well, there were the Guinesses last weekend. . .)

Milton Brasher-Cunningham

Dear Tom (again)

Now you probably think I am stalking you. 🙂

I finished a pretty good draft of the WebQuest we are doing. I am still learning how to classify the sites. Hell, I’m still learning a lot of things. All of your tips and thoughts make the whole process a wonderful learning experience.

I love what you guys have made possible. I am having fun!


Mr. March,

A group of us from Pepperdine Online Program are presenting a WebQuest workshop and are using your pages (old and new) and Bernie Dodge’s pages.

Love the Web-and-Flow Concept. 25$ / yr. is very reasonable, and I think I can get buy-in on that. I hope that amount does for you what you need it to. I know it’s a huge amount of work, and your resources on how to not only create the pages, but explaining how to ‘raise the bar’ for our educational institutions are phenomenal.

Thank you for all you do,

Susie Demarest
Director Academic Technology
St. Alcuin Montessori School

I have been teaching the Internet for a couple years and your new Web-and-Flow was a big aha for me. I love it! I have always worked developmentally with teachers and your tool will be great for that. I am looking forward to using your web site -thanks

Cyndi Kerr
Support Manager of The Eiffel Project
The Center for Collaborative Education

[from a posting to the oz-webquests list]

Hi Jonathan and everyone else,

If you want to help your teachers with the WebQuest process, or any of the less complex activities that are possibly more suited to the littlies, then there is no better online support that Web-and-Flow which you can access thru

It offers step-by-step support and at the end of the process all you do is press ‘Publication’ and hey presto, it’s up there complete with graphics (if you choose). It is similar to Filamentality but offers a lot more along-the-way support and you can register for a free 30 day trial. It is a really great tool for non-computer people because all you do is fill in the appropriate fields and click the appropriate buttons.

In the ACT a group of us have just had the BEST, most useful PD days using Web-and-Flow and there have been some very exciting things happening. For many participants, it was their first time to have their work published on the web and you could feel the buzz. You can see some of what was done at and more will be added as we put the finishing touches to them.

Because this first experience is such a positive one, I’m sure that those involved will take their knowledge back to their schools and the word will spread. And at last, we will have access to online stuff that suits the Australian framework.

Good luck
Barbara Braxton
Teacher Librarian
Palmerston District Primary School

Just to let you know that I ran a 2 hour intro to webquest and it was well received with all signing up for the 1 month free trial of Web-and-Flow… Most importantly there were a few who seemed inspired to incorporate the webquest/sampler models into their teaching. Thanks to Tom’s Excellent online guidance!

Thea van Os
Narrabundah College
Canberra, ACT

Filamentality –


Tom and Jodi,

We LOVE you in Utah. In fact, we are incorporating Filamentality into gobs and gobs of our trainings.

Tracy Vandeventer
Internet Training Specialist
Salt Lake City, UT

Let’s start with a little flattery. As a fellow educator I am greatly impressed with the Filamentality site that you helped create. I am so impressed in fact, that I am centering a series of teacher workshops around it.

Randy Tipton
Liberty Middle School
Burke County Public Schools (NC)

I’d just like to thank you for efforts in providing the Filamentality page. I recently used it to construct a scrapbook on Antarctica for my Uni assignment. The lecturer must have liked it because I got a very good mark. Thanks again for your work.

Phil Cavanagh
Executive Teacher

I have been experimenting with your web site and I just had to write and tell you how great it is. Thank you for making such a wonderful application available to the educational community and general public and it’s online to boot! I will be working as a computer teacher this fall and my head just spins to think about all the ways I can use this tool with my students. Thanks Again,

Kim McAdams

Just a note to let you know I love Filamentality. I was able to take a group of eight middle school teachers, most of whom had never used a Mac computer, and in one week they’ve been able to create a web page. I can’t tell you how excited and amazed they are. This has been one of the most challenging teacher training sessions I’ve ever done, but because of people like you it’s made my job so much easier. They can’t wait until they could try a Web Quest. We’ve looked them over a bit this week and they’re going to try to use what’s out there before they try their own.

Once again, Thanks!!

Annemarie Stoeckel
South Plainfield Public Schools
South Plainfield, NJ

I just want you to know that I LOVE your electronic assignments! I am already sharing your sites with teachers to show them the future for their assignments. You know exactly what our kids need and want from their teachers: “A guide on the side, not a sage on the stage.” Technology is the motivator. Thank you so much for leading the way with your skillfull, creative assignments! I just discovered Filamentality myself and love it because it allows me to quickly and easily create an html document that my students can use when they come to the library to do research for a class assignment. Being a librarian, it is perfect for my needs. Thank you again for sharing your work on the web!

Judy Simmons
Library Information Specialist
Calhoun Middle School
Denton, Texas

My name is Catten Ely and I am a freelance writer working on a piece for concerning technology in the classroom. My focus is tools teachers can use to incorporate the Web into their curriculum. I found Filamentality to fit the bill perfectly.

I wanted to compliment you on your writing style – very down-to-earth. I like it!!

Catten Ely
Freelance Writer
Houston, TX

Your Web site has been selected as a “Best Bet” on the USA TODAY Education Web site for the week of: 8/8/99 through 8/14/99.

Fewer than 150 sites are selected each year as USA TODAY Education “Best Bet” Web sites. Be sure to let your key decision-makers, audience and community know your Web site has been selected.

Again, congratulations!

Erika Mabry
USA Today

Greetings and thanks from the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, CA. We have some good news for you.

We’ve selected your site as one of our Tech 10 August winners! We think that your site is one of the 10 best technology & science web sites we’ve found for middle-school and above students, teachers, and parents.

Thank you for putting together such an innovative and educational site.

Here’s our criteria for selection. A winner must be:

  • focused on high technology, science and innovation
  • relevant and understandable to a middle-school and above audience
  • fun, useful and engaging

Craig M. Rosa
Manager of Online Services
The Tech Museum of Innovation

Tom’s writing in MultiMedia Schools Magazine &

MultiMedia Schools

A fellow educator sent me an e-mail message with only the message “Go Here” and your address to the 10 Stages of Working the Web for Education site.

I see now why it needed no introduction…

I’ve only scanned sections 1, 2, and 3 but I was so excited about its content that I wanted to write to you right away and say thanks for a great site. I am the computer lab tech at Harloe Elementary School in Arroyo Grande, California. We are in the beginning stages of using the Web with 40+ teachers at varying levels of computer expertise. I will forward the “10 Stages” address to them with exclamation points after my message to “GO HERE.”

Sandie Hirase
Harloe Elementary School

Many kudos for an excellent article… and beyond that, for all the tremendous work you’ve done in creating challenging, thought- (and learning!-) provoking Web tools and applications.

Steve Grant
Library Media Teacher
La Jolla High School, CA


I have made “Working the Web for Education” required reading for my first class meeting of Education 510, “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning” and have printed a copy for myself to use as a reference.

I can tell you from personal experience that there isn’t enough of what you have to offer out there available to teachers. You have a common sense, pratical understanding of how teachers think and approach new strategies… and practical tips about using those strategies. You know the educational theory behind the strategies, but don’t overbuden teachers with it. You go for the practical, get-through-doing-this-in-your-classroom-with-real-kids tips and strategies.

Thanks for making this available on line.

Nancy Townsend

For the last two days, I’ve had to proctor the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills test. It takes 4 1/2 hours per day, and involves a lot of silence and a lot of watching kids work. I was delighted to be reading the new MultiMedia Schools during this session, and to come across your new column.

What a fine piece of writing! I was impressed with the number of fresh insights and ideas you brought to the column. I especially liked your stage 3–meeting your neighbors. This is a unique insight.

I look forward to your columns in the future.

Best wishes,
Pat Miller

Your article was so motivating to me I have virtually spent this past weekend exploring it on the Internet. I am currently on sabbatical to pursue a Specialist degree in Educational Technology at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My current endeavor is the preparation of an in-service workshop/presentation for our middle school/high school social studies teachers around the state. I wish to empower and motivate them to utilize and contribute to the development of the power of the Internet for educational applications. Our state faces numerous challenges and I am certain the concepts you present (so eloquently, I might add) will advance the institution tremendously. We now need to “get the word out.” Thank you for your inspirational article and work.

Diane Malison, M.Ed.
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches, Louisiana

My name is Darlene Fletcher. I am currently taking a university course for using the internet in the classroom. Our teacher forwarded your article, “Ten Stages For Working the Web for Education.” I thoroughly enjoyed it. Webquests are a new phenomenon for me. I spent hours going through the Webquest homepage examples and also looking at your five formats laid out in “Working the Web for Education.” Anyway, I just thought I would write and say how much I have enjoyed your writing. I am pushing myself to practise Stage 3 — Meeting your neighbours and am also touching base with a few Webquest authors.

Thanks very much. I look forward to reading your up-coming articles.


On the WebQuest Strategy

WebQuests for Learning

Hi, Tom —
The work you’ve done and made available is fantastic! I do a variety of workshops, etc. on integrating the internet into the classroom — am in the process of making a WebQuest as the foundation for those workshops.

Your work is one of my benchmarks for educational web design — THANKS!

Kim Carter
Director of Information Services
Souhegan High School
Amherst, NH

Yippee! This will be the 5th time, I think, that a Tom March site has been recognized by Too Cool! Keep up the great work!!

Grace Smith, Ph.D. District Technology Curriculum Coordinator
Grosse Pointe Public Schools, Grosse Pointe, MI
Too Cool School House Site of the Week

From WEB WONDERS in the ASCD Email Newsletter:


Switching gears, other exciting and helpful Internet-based resources that teachers can use with their students are WebQuests. WebQuests are online activities that engage students in learning about an authentic topic or problem by posing a question or questions that need to be answered by the class. Students then complete WebQuests, either as individuals or in cooperative learning groups, by using the resources listed. This is a great way to turn students into active learners who are on a “quest” for knowledge. Want to know more about WebQuests? Try the following Internet sites:

Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators: WebQuests in Our Future This site defines the concept of a WebQuest and offers a variety of top-notch examples.

Ozlines: WebQuests for Learning This site, which provides a more advanced understanding of WebQuests, offers tips for writing your own quests, a designer’s checklist, and a rubric to decide if your WebQuest is ready for prime time.

Finally, these last sites offer a listing of WebQuests in different content areas. A word of warning: The quality of each WebQuest differs and, of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The WebQuest Page

WebQuests and Resources for Teachers

WebQuests in Middle School

Jamie Sawatzky
ASCD project manager and the editor of
Only the Best: The Annual Guide to the
Highest-Rated Educational Software and Multimedia.

Just wanted to drop you a note complimenting you on such a beautiful webquest site. It is a thing of beauty and a joy to behold. I hope my fellow teachers will use it as I will.

David Robinson
English Teacher / Staff Development
Bufffalo, Minnesota

All the webquest materials are so fantabulous and I’m so excited by the potential of it all…and I just wanted to write you and say that. Really, truly … You seem to work so hard so I’m glad life is treating you well.

Andrea Doremus
h.s. teacher in Boston, MA USA

Dear Oz,

Can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to discover your website. My mission is to empower teachers through technology for the purpose of providing quality experiences online. You have verbalized what I’ve been after for the last 8 years in terms of what I believe tech. in schools should be like. I can’t wait until I figure out the webquest idea and create one of my own. THANK YOU! I shall be visiting often and will be sharing your site this Wed. with some colleagues.

Deb Schumann

I have used so much of your work in our telecommunications class that the time has come to say thanks…

Between your work and Bernie’s our students have created wonderful webquests and grown in their own thinking about where telecommunications fits in the classroom and what engaged and active learning environments look like. The site ‘A course on webquests’ is the best gem of all and I look forward to involving our students in its many steps.

Marianne Handler
Technology in Education
National-Louis University


All I can say after perusing Look Who’s Footing the Bill! is —- SPECTACULAR!!!!!!! The BEST I have seen so far. I can’t wait to use these ideas.

Thanks much,
Cheryle Hoefert

Loved your lesson plan Look Who’s Footing the Bill!. How impressed I am with its simplicity and how interesting it makes the subject – REAL WORLD learning.

Valencia Pounders

Searching for China WebQuestSearching for China

Searching for China

you rock I think your web site is cool

graham hartridge
from Pacific Bell User Feedback form

Dear Mr. March,
My name is Carole O’Neill and I am an Instructional Technology teacher in Warwick, NY. I have been a “follower” of Bernie Dodge via the net and have used a few of the quests he has posted. Your China Quest is wonderful. I am anxious to use this with a 6th grade class that studies China. I just wanted to let you know how much richer your work will make mine.

Carole O’Neill

This (Searching for China) is the BEST and COOLEST internet/research project I have come across. It’s completley multi-disciplinary. It deals with voice, audience, real problems AND it is all done on the web which makes it VERY interesting for kids. It teaches kids in a fun, interactive way how to do a research project. Additionally I love the group and individual aspects of the project.

You rock. What other sites have you created?

Lesley Schwartz

The design/content/philosophy of your 6 Paths to China web site makes me feel like an amateur!

Congratulations ….. I shall be using it in my work with our schools.

Chris Smith
Head of Centre & IT Advisor
J.C.Sarah Roe Centre
Kowloon, HONG KONG

wow! what an elaborate project! i’m getting ready to start a unit on ancient china but don’t know if i can resist doing this whole thing on modern china!

AND, have you created other sites like this? this is great!

minda mccandless

The Denver Public Schools Department of Educational Technology considers “Searching for China: a WebQuest” to be an exemplary Internet site.

Phil Lingwood
Colorado Education Online

[recalling a recent workshop given by the Pacific Bell team] …the real fireworks came when we saw the educational material which the Pacific Bell team had put together to show us EXACTLY how internet research might be integrated into our courses. From Hotlists and Scrapbooks to WebQuests, casual exploration to penetrating assessment, I was impressed by the wider range of skills being nurtured in these deftly crafted exercises. I am most interested in teaching my students higher order reasoning skills. I want them to be good decision makers–especially in this information (disinformation?) society. If you are not familiar with the WebQuest “Does the Tiger Eat Her Cubs?” I’d like to recommend it. In eight years of teaching and four years of service on–or as chair of–textbook review committees, I have never seen an assignment which so straightforwardly yet naturally presents students with the reality that sometimes they will have to make decisions by sifting through conflicting evidence. I do not think I have ever seen a more ambitious or valuable assignment.

Pacific Bell has contributed something much more valuable than a little instruction about how to use a piece of software. What I learned this summer was the versatility and value of technology in education. What I was given were real tools connected to real pedagogy–not just bells and whistles, electronic bread and circuses, with which I might awe my students rather than educate them. My compliments.

Mary B. Graham
Department of English
San Diego State University
Department of Communication Arts, Cuyamaca College

Congratulations! Your site (Six Paths to China) has been rated “Spectacular!” and awarded 5 stars in my 1/27/98 syndicated newspaper column “Surfing the Net with Kids”.

Barbara J. Feldman
Surfing the Net with Kids

Black History Series

Black History Series

As a 61 yr old African American, born and raised in Delaware, its does my heart good to see and review all the info on this website on our struggle- black & white-to live and respect one another. Its continues to be the highest American cause.


I really liked the Black History Month treasure hunt. I learned a lot and hope you do more. I am in a S.S. class. This activity is a lot funner than actual work! Keep up the good work!!

Your #1 fan

Thanks for a really ‘great’ webquest about an important and often ‘swept under the carpet and hope nobody notices it’ concept and ‘piece’ of history and knowledge. My pupils ar doing a unit on prejudice and discrimination and it opened their minds to the truths that are out there and have been out therefor many years.

Looking forward to “Web & Flow”.
Keep up the good work.

william grosse


Your website,, has been selected as a featured site in StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the Web by our researchers.

Congratulations! Your site (Exploring African-American Issues) has been rated “Spectacular!” and awarded 5 stars in my 2/6/2000 syndicated newspaper column “Surfing the Net with Kids.”

Barbara J. Feldman

Congratulations! Your Web site, Black History Month, at, will be featured in an issue of is a Universal Press Syndicate (UPS) syndicated feature published by over 150 newspapers in the US and Canada.

Susie Munn

Eyes on Art


Eyes on Art 1.0

I just found your eyes on art program. WOW!!! I want to use it in the fall with my art appreciation class and my design class. Will it still be here in the Fall? It is the most usful program I have EVER seen to teach art appreciation.

Bev Kjeldsen
Ursuline High School

Eyes on Art 2.0

What a dazzling site you have built with Eyes on Art! Really fun and impressive. I love it.

Hope all is well. So good to see you doing great work.
Merry Christmas,

Jamie McKenzie
Editor – “From Now On – The Educational Technology Journal”

I got this adress via a Yahoo search: art education lesson plans. I came across the site: “Eyes On Art.” Even though I have been “surfing” the net for a while, this was one of the most inpirational sites I have seen!!!


I am so impressed with your Art Web website! It’s refreshing to find a site that’s not all “fluff” with no content. The information is useful and well presented. I especially like the variety of works and artists.

Susan Bainbridge

This is the standard for learning sites for kids. I am a K-6 art teacher in Omaha, Nebr. I will use this with my students, and will create my own lessons inspired by your style. Huge thanks for the infusion of inspiration. Quality is always obvious.

Jan Wilson

Dear Tom,
I am an elementary teacher in Toronto. I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the fantastic art lessons and masterpieces. I will be using it with my class. It is by far the best site that I have found on the Internet. I hope that you keep this site.

Thanks again,

Hello. I wanted to thank you for the incredible Eyes on Art web site. I started using it today to reinforce the concepts that I have been teaching about the elements and principles of art. I got my highschool class together in the computer lab today and they all paired up to answer the questions about the various works of art on the site. What an awesome idea. It was so exciting for them that they can’t wait to go back tomorrow to finish. I have even asked my principal to come in and see what a fantastic job they are all doing and how excited they are to actually view the works of art so up close and personal – its even better then showing slides or pictures in the classroom. I wish that there were sites for everything that I do in class. Your site has encouraged me to introduce the rest of my lessons using the computer. Thank you – you really got my first year at a public school started off with a bang!


Congratulations! Your Eyes on Art site was picked as a featured site by Copernicus Interactive ( Of the innumerable sites on the Web, yours was selected because of its exceptional quality, content, and design. We proudly highlighted your site in the Hot Box of our main page on July 22, 1999.

Your website,, has been selected as a featured site in StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the Web by our researchers.

We thought you might be interested in knowing that your Web site has been selected by our staff here at NetTech to be abstracted and cataloged as an exemplary educational resource. NetTech is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and our mission is to help educators in our region integrate technology into the classroom. Our current project is to find noteworthy educational Web sites, abstract them, and create an online catalog and database for educators to use.

Your Web page has been identified as one of those exemplary resources.

Julia Harris
NetTech Editor

How about sharing your thoughts?