ISV Showcase and Wrap-up

Hello one and all!

It’s been along time since we’ve seen one another, but this is a great day when we get to do two main things:

  1. Share our experiments integrating ICTs and authentic learning
  2. Look toward 2014 and discuss strategies to support successful change.


Because it’s been a while since our last session, please update everyone on some of the things you’ve been up to in the interim.  Use the Comments feature of this post to do this, so then later people can reply to you to leave their feedback when we get into “Sharing” next.


Below are links to things workshop participants have used or developed this year.  Please take time to look through each and then Leave a comment for the author.

Concurrent Activity: 2014 and Beyond: Making Personal Learning a Reality





Here are some other resources people have found useful that they wanted to share.

Web 2.0

Review & Farewell

  • Debrief 2014
  • Reviewing Next Era Ed

ISV 2 Day Workshop

 Welcome Cutting Edge-ucators!

It’s always nice to start another year of seminars at Independent Schools Victoria. Please go to the special Workshop Page to get into the activities and resources.  This session is Called “Cutting Edge-ucators – Leverage Learning Theory with Powerful ICTs”.

ISV Series Wrap-ups

Welcome Back!

Welcome to what is a bitter-sweet day where we get to see what great work everyone has done this year, but also have to say good-bye.

The main focus is giving people enough time to share what they have trialled (and mastered!) in terms of integrating ICTs and authentic student learning.   As such, I’ve asked participants to send along links to illustrate their journeys.

I’ve asked participants to reflect on the following:

  • your own learning,
  • how you have supported collegial learning, or
  • how you have fostered student learning

Real, Rich and Relevant


Thursday – AGQTP

Madhuri Noah

Ian Daw

Anne Tonga

Amy Thompson

 Susan MacKay

Sandra England

Renee Hall

Mike Dye

Michelle Nachsatz


Joel Halperin


Lisa Duggan

Daryl Davey

EtherPad Collaboration on Choice, Competence, Challenge and Culture


Trial ClassBubbles (oxley)

Review Concepts & Links

Looking to Learn

Example: History Compressed – See – Think – Wonder


For Ideas & Inspiration


Recent Samples

Older Examples

Tom’s WebQuest Resources

Transformation Tweakers

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

Web 2.0



Additional Challenges

  • Create Collaborative Partnerships
  • Prepare Staff PL / Presentations
  • Tweak WebQuest Transformations
  • Explore Twitter
  • Build a Netvibes Feed page

 Preparing for 2013


ISV Series – Day 2

Welcome to Day 2!

Welcome back.  I hope you’ve had a nice autumn holidays and beginning to Term 2. Also that you’ve had a chance to trial Look to Learn activities with your students and colleagues.  Today we’ll begin with a review what we learned Day 1, how you’ve gone using these resources and approaches and to share your experiences.

The day will be focused into three main parts:

  • Review, sharing and focus
  • Setting up a WordPress blog
  • Beginning to explore other Web 2 tools & environments

Review Day 1 + Use with Students / Staff

Tom’s Most Reblogged Tumblr Sources
Look to Learn Approach
Problem-Solving Local Issues
Reflection and Consolidation

Review your Tumblr site and personal notes to reflect what you want to take away from this refresher on what we have learned.  What do you want to continue using, pursuing and trialling?

Online Spaces

WordPress Blog

Participants’ Developing Blogs

3Rs Series:

Other Possible Online Environments (for Day 3 mostly)

 Web 2.0 Tools

Feedback – links!

Day 2 for ISV

Welcome to Day 2

Today provides a chance to review and embed skills related to using an online space as the platform for rich and authentic learning. The main focus for the day is to add rich resources through RSS feeds (using Netvibes) and podcast players. We will work toward creating a robust set of tools and interactions that can lead to implementing a ClassPortal.

Day 2 Activities and links at the Workshop page.

ISV – AGQTP 5 Day Series: Day 1


Today is an important day as we begin another year-long, five-day series of workshops at Independent Schools Victoria.  During the series we will develop a robust online presence to explore Web 2 applications and strategies like Looking to Learn, ClassPortals and WebQuests.  Today people will begin by setting up a WordPress blog and finding Web 2 apps they want to try out with students.

You can go to the Workshop page elsewhere in

something they have created and we will review our learning.
