ISV – AGQTP 5 Day Series: Day 1


Today is an important day as we begin another year-long, five-day series of workshops at Independent Schools Victoria.  During the series we will develop a robust online presence to explore Web 2 applications and strategies like Looking to Learn, ClassPortals and WebQuests.  Today people will begin by setting up a WordPress blog and finding Web 2 apps they want to try out with students.

You can go to the Workshop page elsewhere in

something they have created and we will review our learning.



13 thoughts on “ISV – AGQTP 5 Day Series: Day 1”

  1. I’m looking forward to this series – I hope it helps to bring web 2.0 tech into the classroom (and outside of the classroom) in a useful and authentic way.

  2. During this series I would like to be able to look at ways of supporting my colleagues with the integration of web 2.0 tools into the curriculum. At my school we have a compulsory notebook program but no longer have a core IT subject. I would like to assist the staff to feel empowered to try new things and further develop their own skills in this area.

  3. I hope to learn new ways to not only integrate IT into my own teaching more, but to inspire other teachers to feel confident in ‘breaking the cycle’ of only using the teaching tools they feel confident with from years past!

  4. Looking to find different web 2.0 technologies that can be used in the classrooms, how they ‘work’ and ultimately how they can be used in the classroom by teachers.

  5. I’m wanting to lead by example in the use of web 2.0 in the classroom in an effort to inspire other teachers to do the same. I’m really looking forward to using these technologies to enhance learning and to increase student engagement.

  6. Tom first introduced me to WEB 2.0 technologies a couple of years ago, of which I was rather skeptical at first, but I haven’t looked back since then. He has probably influenced my teaching more than anyone else over this time. It has transformed not only the way I teach ICT, but my entire sphere of teaching, from assessment, note taking, organisation, student work submission, presentations and on and on! We are currently looking at integrating personal learning devices with our use of WEB 2.0 and interactive whiteboards to create a whole new collaborative environment for our students, trailing this in 2011 with our Year 5 & 6 classes, which I am only beginning to actually see is possible.

    • I’m with Catherine in school and spirit. We have staff who are wary of new technology and I’m hoping to help them use Web 2.0 as easily as they’d use whiteboards (smartboards just in this year)

  7. I want to get teachers to integrate ICT tools into their classroom in a way that enhances learning. I also want teachers to develop PLN’s so that they use the tools we want students to use.

  8. I am looking forward to learning about readily accessible ways for teachers at our school to engage with the many possibilities of the technology and to begin to implement it meaningfully and with confidence in their particular classroom situation.


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