- Find things the cartoonist has done to make this funny and to get a point across.
- Identify support for your claim.
- Ask a question related to your own use of technology.
Jack Hazlitt describes his landing at Gallipoli
![]() December 20112011 Year in Review
G’Day all, here are some highlights from 2011 |
2011 has been an especially busy and productive year here at I thought I’d take the opportunity that the holidays present to reflect on some of the highpoints and even look ahead a little to 2012.
I’ve had the good fortune to be able to keynote several of the main technology and education conferences in Australia this past year including in Adelaide (CEGSA), Melbourne (ICTEV), Sydney(CEFPI), Brisbane (QSITE) and Perth (WASLA & WASTAA). If you have not been able to attend one of these excellent events and are interested, the crew at the Sydney Exhbition Centre did a great job at capturing my keynote at the Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI).
Other in-person work included the ongoing series of workshops I’ve been leading at the Independent Schools Victoria since 2005, the Studies of Asia & ICT workshops Lindy Stirling and I lead across Victoria and the various schools where I’ve spent time this year in QLD, NSW, TAS and VIC. I hope to cross paths with some of you former participants during 2012 sessions.
It’s nice to report that 2011 was a great year for Intellectual Property with the fruition of a long-term effort to license Web-and-Flow templates to the Victorian Department of Education for use in the Ultranet. The eLearning team at the DEECD in Victoria have done a great job blending the two environments and I hope that the effort contributes to student learning and teacher effectiveness in the years to come. Similarly, the most popular link on my site, the ThesisBuilder was also licensed to a private university in the US to support its students ability to quickly formulate a persuasive thesis and essay outline.
Through much of 2010 and all of 2011 I’d been working with the team at Sungard Higher Education to prepare Sungard’s K-12 products for the Australian and global markets. I enjoyed working as an analyst on international curricula and data metrics & reporting for this environment which is suited to large K-12 organisations that seek continuous systemic improvements.
As this contract has concluded, I am interested in consulting with other large educational software providers to help shape their products to support integration of authentic student learning and data analysis that leads to improvements in achievement. Please contact me if you have such an opportunity.
Every year I find that a new tool, platform or environment has come along that becomes core to the work that I do. 2011 was no different. Here are three that have taken their place with WordPress, Diigo, Skype, Evernote and YouTube as things I wouldn’t want to live without.
Netvibes – Since Pageflakes got a little too flakey last year, I decided to shift my RSS / widget platform to Netvibes. I introduce Netvibes to participants in any workshop longer than one day and invariably find that once people “get” the benefits of a customised stream of rich feeds and embeds, their use of online resources is never the same. Netvibes gives teachers and students easy access to podcasts, TubeChop clips, Web 2.0 embeds and realtime news feeds on any topic of interest.
ClassBubbles – Described by creator Dan O’Brien as, “an on-line tool used to deliver collaborative learning using the best functionality from blogs, wikis, webquests and Twitter,” ClassBubbles fills in an important missing piece in the 1:1 digital learning classroom. I see ClassBubbles as a tool that allows students to use their own devices in a productive way and for teachers to shift from leader to orchestrator. It’s a perfect platform for WebQuests but also a range of uses. I plan to use it to support and certify students’ and teachers’ ICT skills in the coming years.
Eduplanet – Created by Jeff Colosimo, Eduplanet is a professional social learning platform that is heading in a new and useful direction. Eduplanet combines a very slick social learning environment with rich proprietary content, structured around specific “Institutes” featuring educational leaders such as Bena Kallick and Art Costa. Jeff has been very good about giving me sandbox access to see how I might use Eduplanet to support colleagues in ICTs and student-managed learning. Watch this space!
I’m presently sitting with 240 pages of a draft of my Next Era Ed book (pdf overview) that I hope to have circulating to publishers early in 2012. The book aligns with what’s been my focus for many years: shifting schools away from the 20th Century’s mechanistic mass production approach to one that can accommodate individual’s joy of learning. In short, Next Era Ed clearly establishes where our schools are “broken” and offers a comprehensive, evidence-based model to begin the fix.
Who would have thought it possible so many years ago when I started and wrote about our lovely eldest son, that he would now be graduating from Year 12 and getting ready for university. This has been a miracle that many of you will have already experienced, but this is our first time. Here’s a lovely shot from the Farewell Dinner.
Past Newsletters: November 08, October 08, January 09, February 09, April 09 , August 09, September 09, November 09
Want to see the full 8 minutes?
The little clip below shows a few clever ways animals. props and videos were used to “write” a graphic illustration. You can get your heads around this a few different ways using the See-Think-Wonder routine. You might explore “how” it was done, what text you would write, or to plan how you will use animals you know to write an important message.
The section of video below uses clever illustration to make a point about how our unconscious can influence us without our knowing it. In other words, thoughts that we don’t even notice can affect the decisions we make.
You might respond to the video below on how this might apply to you or you could even look closer at the clever animation.
Jazz violinist Robert Thompson was motivated by a blog post to see if he could do something real. This video is his story and that of a family in China and a community around the world.
Jacquie Bourne has arranged for a two-day workshop for 18 of her colleagues at Launceston Church Grammar School. Although it’s near the end of the school year and everyone is likely to be a little groggy, it’s also a great chance to reinvigorate an area of study with rich online resources and authentic personal learning. So let’s get to it!
Please begin by using the comments link on this post to introduce yourself: share your name, teaching areas, current use of technology and at least one goal for these two days.
This can be brief, but it starts the ball rolling.
After adding your comment, you might like to download a digital copy of the handout packet for this 2 Day Workshop.
To get a sense of what we will be creating over the next two days, please explore the work created by participants in previous sessions. Try to notice the features, strategies and benefits gained from such a learning platform.
Brainstorm what you noticed using a shared Stixy board (try working in pairs or threes and then adding your shared responses)
Year 9 & 10 students and teachers each have tablet computers for over a year. How does that change teaching and learning? Please add your personal thoughts to this shared writing space. Do you want to consider Tom’s take on the 4 essential requirements for successful 1:1 learning?
Tom’s pedagogy presentation (download .mov 16 mb)
Task: Create 2 – 4 Look to Learn Activities for your students
C E Q • A LL / Seek all!
Self-managed Learning Framework for students
This Sunday and Monday brings a quick trip to Perth where I get to work with The Western Australian Secondary Teaching Administrators’ Association. It’s a particular honour to share my thinking here because the audience are Level 3 educators, meaning they are “exemplary teachers recognised and rewarded for their exceptional teaching practices.” I’ll present a variation of the keynote I’ve been doing this year with particular focus on the pedagogical / practice frameworks in Next Era Ed.
One thing I may gloss over too frequently, I will focus more attention on with this audience. Here’s a list of the predictable outcomes embedded in my Edge-ucators Way and CEQ•ALL approaches.
Those who know my work are aware that these bullet lists derive from Self-Determination Theory, Cultures of Thinking, Habits of Mind, Flow Theory, Grit and Authentic Happiness.
All of which get integrated through the new Classroom Routines of the Edge-ucators Way and the Seld-managed Learning Process of CEQ•LL
C E Q • A LL / Seek all!
Self-managed Learning Framework for students