2 Days at LCGS


Jacquie Bourne has arranged for a two-day workshop for 18 of her colleagues at Launceston Church Grammar School.  Although it’s near the end of the school year and everyone is likely to be a little groggy, it’s also a great chance to reinvigorate an area of study with rich online resources and authentic personal learning.  So let’s get to it!

Please begin by using the comments link on this post to introduce yourself: share your name, teaching areas, current use of technology and at least one goal for these two days.

This can be brief, but it starts the ball rolling.

After adding your comment, you might like to download a digital copy of the handout packet for this 2 Day Workshop.

Activity 1: Great examples from previous Workshops

To get a sense of what we will be creating over the next two days, please explore the work created by participants in previous sessions.  Try to notice the features, strategies and benefits gained from such a learning platform.

Works in Progress

Brainstorm what you noticed using a shared Stixy board (try working in pairs or threes and then adding your shared responses)

Activity 2: Discussion on 1:1

Year 9 & 10 students and teachers each have tablet computers for over a year.  How does that change teaching and learning?  Please add your personal thoughts to this shared writing space.  Do you want to consider Tom’s take on the 4 essential requirements for successful 1:1 learning?

Activity 3: Creating Your Smart Online Space

Fine-tuning your Blog

Activity 4 – Integrated Emerging Technologies and Pedagogies

Tom’s pedagogy presentation (download .mov 16 mb)

Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples


Task: Create 2 – 4 Look to Learn Activities for your students

Enrich your site with content and rich media

Web 2.0 Tools

RSS Feeds

Other Media

Manage your Rich Media Links

The ClassPortal Twist


For Ideas

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

Resources for Creating Your Smart Online Space

41 thoughts on “2 Days at LCGS”

  1. Senior Science teacher ( Chemistry/Physics)

    Hope to enable more links within TCE curriculum to ICT tasks

    Meaningful, enrichment tasks for Chem/Physics

  2. Hi
    I’m Pat. I teach grade 9 science and senior physics and physical science(physics and chem).
    I’m looking for continued inspiration using the tablet as an effective teaching tool.

  3. Hi Tom,

    I teach ICT, Commerce and Indonesian at the school.

    Hope to learn new digital teaching and learning skills from this workshop.

    Thank you.


  4. Pastoral Care
    Senior Chemistry
    Junior Science

    Would like to be able to access interactive activities for practical activities and break out activities; mental energises.

  5. I am not related to the Michael Hussey the cricketer!
    I teach Psychology and Sociology + Geography
    I teach all Grade from 7 to 12
    I have a dream to be good at IT but I know that it will never happen!!! It wont stop me trying

  6. I’m currently Director of Music and from 2012 will also take on the role of Curriculum Coordinator. In music we use ICT in a variety of ways for music theory, aural traning, composition and notation. Students record their performances and present research projects using ICT. I’m interested in expanding school use and understanding of ICT in education and the flexibility it provides for teaching and learning + differentiation.

  7. Hi, I’m Jami.
    I teach PE, Maths and am Head of Educational Support.
    I am fairly competent in using technology.
    My goal for the next two days is to have time to explore a range oftechnology tools and to develop a greater understanding of these.

  8. Currently an administrator teaching only senior classes, I am looking forward to more time in the classroom next year, including a Grade 9 class. All my classes for next year are in the English area.
    I am fairly good on the theory of 1:1 computing; my goal this week is to become as confident as possible with the relevant software.

  9. Grade 7/8: English and History
    Grade 7 – 10: Drama
    Using ICT to engage learners at present so anything to expand my knowledge and continue using ICT effectively with students to enhance communication skills and opportunities

  10. Hi, I’m Fiona. I teach English and Dance/Drama. I would like to find ways of using the tablet in Dance because I haven’t really used it other than as a journal. I’d also like to see new ways of using the tablet in English.

  11. Hi im Doug
    I teach mathematics and science.
    My goal over the next two days is to become more aware, and confident to use, different types of programs etc as a learning tool within the classroom.

  12. I’m wanting to share worthy resources within my classes and have students continue to communicate readily about what and how they’re learning.


How about sharing your thoughts?