WASTAA Conference – Perth

This Sunday and Monday brings a quick trip to Perth where I get to work with The Western Australian Secondary Teaching Administrators’ Association.  It’s a particular honour to share my thinking here because the audience are Level 3 educators, meaning they are “exemplary teachers recognised and rewarded for their exceptional teaching practices.” I’ll present a variation of the keynote I’ve been doing this year with particular focus on the pedagogical / practice frameworks in Next Era Ed.

One thing I may gloss over too frequently, I will focus more attention on with this audience.  Here’s a list of the predictable outcomes embedded in my Edge-ucators Way and CEQ•ALL approaches.

Those who know my work are aware that these bullet lists derive from Self-Determination Theory, Cultures of Thinking, Habits of Mind, Flow Theory, Grit and Authentic Happiness.

All of which get integrated through the new Classroom Routines of the Edge-ucators Way and the Seld-managed Learning Process of CEQ•LL

Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples


Self-managed Learning Framework for students

Resources for Creating Your Smart Online Space

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