It’s a joy to be back at the QSITE conference where I’ve had the pleasure to keynote several times. Because the most recent was 2007, I’m looking forward to sharing how strategies like The Edge-ucators Way and CEQ•ALL have blossomed into NextEraEd. By the way, QSITE is the Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education and my sessions are on September 29 at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, south of Brisbane.
The Edge-ucators Way
Look to Learn
- Miniature Earth
- VisionShift: Whose Future?
- “I Can”
- Nuclear Giving
- There’s Data in them ther Kids (cartoon)
- The Global Rich List (interactive site)
- Look to Learn – overview
- Look to Learn Web site
- Look to Learn Sample Prompts
- Thinking Routines overview
- Thinking Routines from the Visible Thinking team at Harvard
Interaction: Comment on this Post: how could you use / support Look to Learns?
For Ideas & Inspiration
- OXFAM – Reshaping our World – Poverty Maps
- Idea Index from the Buckminster Fuller Challenge
- The Girl who Silenced the U.N. for Five Minutes
- Online Fundraising Efforts at Razoo
- 50 Items That Should Change the World
Interaction: Brainstorm Topics you think would make good ClassPortals
WebQuests by Tom
- Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?
- Tuskegee Tragedy
- CroolZone – School Safety WebQuest
- Does the Tiger Eat her Cubs?
- Detailed Process for Drafting a WebQuest (doc)
- Tom’s Current WebQuest 2.0 Process (pdf)
- Use the article above and the Designing a WebQuest 2.0 (doc) and the links below as a guide.
- Freedom Fighter or Terrorist Group Scaffold Sheet (you can modify)
- Tom’s Educational Leadership article: The Learning Power of WebQuests
- Tom’s longer version: What WebQuests Are (Really).
- Bernie weighing in on “Real WebQuests”
Interaction: Brainstorm Topics / Big Questions for possible WebQuests (Group 1 & Group 2)
Self-managed Learning Framework for students
C E Q • A LL / Seek all!
- Overview / Rationale
- Profiles (pdf)
- Rubric (pdf)
Interaction: ClassBubbles to share your thoughts (use key: nexteraed)
Activity: Creating Your Smart Online Space
- Complete 2 Day Workshop Handouts
- Get a WordPress Blog
- Change the theme
- Make a Post
- Embed YouTube (remember &rel=0)
- Try
- Get Firefox for extensions like the video downloader?
- Embed all kinds of media in WordPress (maps, images, documents or polls?)
- A practice post with embeds
Activity – Web 2 Tools
- Download the Web 2 Tools Overview handout
- Copy and Paste the Tools Panel into a page for your site
- Choose from different Web 2 icons
- Go to Tom’s full workshop site