CEFPI Conference – Sydney Exhibition Centre

The Council of Educational Facility Planners International is currently holding their conference at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre in  Darling Harbour.  I will be contributing to a discussion session on Wednesday and a keynote on Thursday.

During the discussion session I will be able to make the case for where current schools are “broken” and during the keynote I will share my version of the “Fix:” Next Era Ed.  Essentially, today’s schools are built on the assembly line model which worked reasonably well last century given the available technology.  When resources and expertise were limited and the goals were “basic skills,” the Factory School was our best option.

Today’s digital technologies, however, “change the game.”  Not only is this the beginning of a Golden Era of access to rich digital media and interactions, but the data mining behind the scenes allows for what Alvin Toffler called “mass customisation.”  So why do we continue to operate schools based on last century’s “one-size-fits-all” mantra instead of shifting to the possibility of “all fit to one’s size?”  This is my shtick.

Theme Session: “It’s Broke”

Challenge: Contribute environmental planning ideas around 3 versions of Digital Schooling

Keynote: “So Let’s Fix It!”

Thursday morning I have the chance to make my case for the four areas we must address if we are to succeed at shifting away from the “virtual learning” of the assembly line school in favour of the Joy of Learning available in the digital era.

3 thoughts on “CEFPI Conference – Sydney Exhibition Centre”

  1. Charles Leadbeater
    Learning from the Extremes
    Themes: Power of Mass Creativity
    Buildings matter, but they don’t matter that much – they can be obstacles and hindrances to learning, and excellent designs can inspire, but learning won’t change without a theory of learning.

  2. Tom’s presentation was an insightful and well-integrated series of points about how shortcomings of current schooling, particularly those which arise from the ‘production line’ or ‘one size fits all’ approach to education, can be overcome with thoughtful and intentional use of technology to build and harness intrinsic motivation and to accommodate students’ interests and aptitudes. Bravo, Tom. Your keynote was the highlight of the conference for me.

    • Thanks, Peter,

      That’s very kind of you. I appreciate you taking the time to write. I hope you email me if I can help in any way – plenty of stuff online that I’m happy to share.

      Cheers, Tom —


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