WASLA Conference in Perth

School Library Conference – Western Australia

Santa Maria College, Attadale WA

It gives me great pleasure to publicly share what I’ve been working on these last years (really my whole life).

Next Era Ed is about Learning

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Keynote Abstract

We are entering an era when it can be stated truthfully that a self-motivated student with broadband access to the Web can learn more than he or she could in school. Society has changed around us and one of the few certainties is that these changes will continue. Some of the main changes undermine cultures focused on standardised outcomes and the myth of uniform excellence. In other words, a culture like “school.” The world surrounding schools has moved from a “one-size-fits-all” mentality to one where digital customisation creates a world “all-fit-to-one’s-size”. In this new reality, the Next Era of Education will require re-vision of four main dimensions to “schooling.”

Digital Learning Pedagogy

Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples

Visible Thinking Tools


Create a ClassPortal

Site to visit Regularly

RSS Feeds

Web 2 Tools


WebQuests for Constructing Knowledge

WebQuests by Tom



Self-managed Learning Framework for students

C E QA LL / Seek all!

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