Introducing Next Era Ed at ICTEV

It gives me great pleasure to publicly share what I’ve been working on since last years (really my whole life).

Next Era Ed is about Learning

Share a great learning experience on this Stixy board or add your comment to this post.

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Piecing together Digital Learning

1. Smart Online Environment

2. Rich Resources

3. Digital Learning Pedagogy

Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples

Create a ClassPortal

WebQuests for Constructing Knowledge

WebQuests by Tom

WebQuests by Others

Return to the  “What are WebQuests?” Stixyboard to update  your ideas



Visible Thinking Tools

Site to visit Regularly

4. Self-managed Learning Framework for students

C E QA LL / Seek all!

  • The Remembered 20%
  • Map Skills to Hit 50
  • The Students’ Half

How about sharing your thoughts?