Studies of Asia


Please begin by using the comments link on this post
to share your personal learning goals for this workshop.

I have the pleasure of facilitating another 2 Day workshop for the Studies of Asia group at the Victorian department of education. Lindy Stirling, State Advisor, Studies of Asia (see the Studies of Asia Wiki) has organised this session at the Clifton’s in Melbourne’s beautiful CBD.


After adding your comment, you might like to download the handouts for this 2 Day Workshop

Studies of Asia Links


Work Completed by Participants of this Session

Activity 1: Great examples from previous Studies of Asia Workshops

To get a sense of what we will be creating over the next two days, please explore the work created by participants in previous sessions.  Try to notice the features, strategies and benefits gained from such a learning platform.

Brainstorm what you noticed using a shared Stixy board or Twiddla

(debrief Web 2.0 terminology?)

Activity 2: Creating Your Smart Online Space

Fine-tuning your Blog

Activity 3: Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples

Day 2 – Personalising Your Learning to Personalise Student Learning

Paths to Personal Success

Path 1: Create 3 – 5 Look to Learn Activities for your students

Path 2: Web 2 Tools

Path 3: Enrich your site with content and rich media

Path 4: Manage your Rich Media Links

Path 5: Create a ClassPortal


Important – please complete this form (made with jotform)


38 thoughts on “Studies of Asia”

  1. My goal:
    To learn some practical ideas and ways to use ICT in my daily classroom program myself and with my students in regards to connecting and learning globally.

  2. Our integrated unit for terms 3 and 4 is studies in Asia – my goal is to find different ways to integrate Asian content into the curriculum

    • Hi Carla
      Just been to FUSE website… pretty good resources you might like to look at under “Asia Studies” 🙂

  3. To gain new understandings of engaging with Asia for myself and my students, as well as practical ways to better incorporate ICT thoughout my teaching.

  4. My goals for the next two days are to investigate practical ways to effectively utilise ICT in the Early Years Setting, as a tool to communicate with and expose our students to Asian cultures.

    • ALSO I would like to find ways of combining Ultranet expectations with resources and ideas developed over the next two days.

  5. Good morning.

    My goals for the next two days are to become more aware of how to use ICT to connect with other cultures in a range of countries in new and exciting ways. What are the options? What is/are the best way/s? What has worked for other schools?

    I’d like to walk away with practical ideas of how I can incorporate Studies of Asia at both a whole school and individual classroom level.

  6. my goal: to feel confident in using ICT in the classroom and i also want to learn how to some practical ideas on how to use ICT with my students and connecting with other communities around the world

  7. To learn practical ideas and gather resources to integrate Studies of Asia across the primary years as we move towards a national curriculum.

  8. I am interested in learning more about the Studies of Asia in relation to the National Curriculum and finding resources to use in the classroom

  9. To gain some practical ideas for use in a middle primary classroom, particularly having had the introduction of Mandarin to our curriculum this year.

      • Yes and she’s fantastic! We have three sessions each week of 30 mins. We are trying to incorporate these learnt skills in our regular classroom practice.

  10. My goal is to investigate practical ways that i can integrate ICT into my Japanese lessons to improve student engagement and learning.

  11. My goal is to learn as much as I can on how to use and integrate IT /Asian studiesinto my program.

  12. How can I tide up all the Wikis, Web 2.0 technologies, ICT I know into Studies of Asia? How to link LOTE & Studies of Asia?

  13. As an ICT teacher for P-6 I would like to see how I could integrate Studies of Asia in this subject area, as well as finding ideas for other staff members.

  14. Hello all,
    I am looking forward to connecting with others and learning about ways I can use ICT in my teaching. I have had some wonderful experiences visiting Korea, India and the Phillipines. I am keen to find other ways to connect with other cultures.

  15. My goal is to gain more program & planning ideas within ICT that I can use with the staff as our school begins it’s Studies of Asia journey.

  16. Working with deaf students and children with special need, I am interested in how to use ICT to best support their learning.
    Also our school is planning a “whole school” integrated unit of study in term three and I am hoping to get some fantastic ideas to assist with curriculum planning across P-6.

  17. I guess my goal today is to get some great ideas to incorporate Asian studies into the classroom using ICT


How about sharing your thoughts?