BCE – Teacher Librarians Big Day Out

What a Great Big Day Out!

The Brisbane Catholic Education Teacher Librarians have organised their “Big Day Out” conference during this Catholic Education Week.  Over a hundred TLs will gather to explore the BCE’s new Life Learning Management System, the Overdrive digital library system as well as unpack my Next Era Education.  After a keynote, I have the great opportunity to meet with all attendees in 40 minute sessions to follow-up on helping the ideas take root in each TLs home soil.

While we get ready, how about going to this Etherpad page to brainstorm the Challenges you face and ideas and questions that might arise.

As per usual, here are helpful links:


Tom’s Models

Look to Learn

The Tumblr Twist

To “Work the Web” for education, we need a flexible space that empowers us to easily work with rich media. Our first stop will be Tumblr.

Full Tumblr Tutorial page – new!

The ClassPortal


For Ideas & Inspiration


C E QA LL / Seek all!

Self-managed Learning Framework for students


1 thought on “BCE – Teacher Librarians Big Day Out”

  1. Hello! I really like your Searching for China Webquest but have noticed that some of the links are no longer working….would love for you to update these links so that I can use this in my classroom.


    S. Moon
    Clarke Central High School
    Athens, GA


How about sharing your thoughts?