Day 1 – ISV 5 Day Series


Here begins a great opportunity for us: 5 days spread across the year to develop deep and sophisticated ICT and pedagogy insights and skills.  In other words, fun!

Here’s a set of handouts that mirrors the links below and adds a bit of detail.

The main purpose of today is to set up an easy but powerful online space.  This will be the launch pad for everything else we do.  Think of it as your digital file cabinet, your grab bag of Web 2 tricks, your online classroom.
To begin, let’s see that others have done along these lines.

Activity 1: First Impressions

Skim through some of the links below.  Pause when one catches your attention.  Look more closely.  Consider how you could use something like it for your self and your students.  After about 15 minutes, we’ll brainstorm what we’ve seen and thought.

Examples from 2010/2011

Brainstorming First Impressions (using Stixy) (AGQTP Group)

Activity 2: Creating Your Smart Online Space

Fine-tuning your Blog

Pause for Reflection

From the Dashboard or your blog, go to “Pages” and edit the “About” page.  Use this to reflection on how you think you might use your blog in a range of ways for yourself, your students and colleagues.

Activity 3: Look to Learn : : Learn to Look

Online Samples

Activity 4 – Web 2 Tools

Pause for Reflection #2

Now that you have explored Look to Learn activities and a range of Web 2.0 tools, return to the Dashboard or your blog and edit your “About” page reflection.  Add your further insights gained from the last sessions and what strikes you as useful tools and strategies. Specifically, describe how you think you could use what you’ve learned today.

Feedback Form

Please complete this online feedback form (JotForm!)

2 thoughts on “Day 1 – ISV 5 Day Series”

  1. I’m Megan and I’m a Maths/English/ Psychology teacher in country Victoria. I’m really interested in how to more effectively integrate the use of technology to help my students learn more. I run a couple of blogs for my classes as well as a personal one. I have a YouTube channel for my maths students so they can access my teaching when I’m not around. I also use web based sites to do class activities for variety in class time.


How about sharing your thoughts?