ISV Series – Day 1


It’s a pleasure to be able to work with you over the year through a series of sessions.  This is a great way to take new ideas, practice with them and try them out with students and staff, then meet again to build on those skills and insights.  We will use this is the site to access the learning materials and activities for this workshop. Note that we will meet on these dates:

  • Real, Rich & Relevant – Integrating Pedagogy and ICT’s:  March 28, May 10, August 9 & October 17
  • AGQTP Leveraging Web 2.0 for Authentic Learning: March 29th, May 11th, July 18th,  August 10th & October 18th


Use the Comments link at the bottom of this post to:

  • Introduce yourself (your role at your school, previous use of ICTs for learning)


Find your name on the linked document (3Rs or AGQTP) and then start typing:

  • Your goals (what you hope to learn through this series)

Formal Introductions & De-brief

Now that we have used two techniques for leveraging ICTs / Web 2.0 tools to support learning, let’s do a face-to-face introduction and de-brief the advantages of online comments and input.

Immersion Scenario

No one has to tell us that technology is changing our culture and the lives of our students. How will it impact education?  How should what we do in schools change to best serve our purpose?  What is our purpose?

  • Presentation: Sixth Sense & Beyond?

Question: if learners have 24/7 anywhere access to information profiled just for them, what are 3 – 5 main knowledge, skills or values they will need to succeed?

Use this Stixyboard (3Rs or AGQTP) to post your ideas.

Tom’s Follow-on Presentation: Next Era Ed

Questions? De-briefs? Debates?


Getting Started: Tumblr

To “Work the Web” for education, we need a flexible space that empowers us to easily work with rich media.  Our first stop will be Tumblr.

Full Tumblr Tutorial page – new!

<div><!--Tumblr Tag Cloud [2012-03-27]
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Look to Learn

Online Samples


Work Period

Task: Create 2 – 4 5 – 10 Look to Learn Activities for your students

Added Bonus?:Web 2 Tools

Coming Up: Social Bookmarking