ISV Series – Day 1


It’s a pleasure to be able to work with you over the year through a series of sessions.  This is a great way to take new ideas, practice with them and try them out with students and staff, then meet again to build on those skills and insights.  We will use this is the site to access the learning materials and activities for this workshop. Note that we will meet on these dates:

  • Real, Rich & Relevant – Integrating Pedagogy and ICT’s:  March 28, May 10, August 9 & October 17
  • AGQTP Leveraging Web 2.0 for Authentic Learning: March 29th, May 11th, July 18th,  August 10th & October 18th


Use the Comments link at the bottom of this post to:

  • Introduce yourself (your role at your school, previous use of ICTs for learning)


Find your name on the linked document (3Rs or AGQTP) and then start typing:

  • Your goals (what you hope to learn through this series)

Formal Introductions & De-brief

Now that we have used two techniques for leveraging ICTs / Web 2.0 tools to support learning, let’s do a face-to-face introduction and de-brief the advantages of online comments and input.

Immersion Scenario

No one has to tell us that technology is changing our culture and the lives of our students. How will it impact education?  How should what we do in schools change to best serve our purpose?  What is our purpose?

  • Presentation: Sixth Sense & Beyond?

Question: if learners have 24/7 anywhere access to information profiled just for them, what are 3 – 5 main knowledge, skills or values they will need to succeed?

Use this Stixyboard (3Rs or AGQTP) to post your ideas.

Tom’s Follow-on Presentation: Next Era Ed

Questions? De-briefs? Debates?


Getting Started: Tumblr

To “Work the Web” for education, we need a flexible space that empowers us to easily work with rich media.  Our first stop will be Tumblr.

Full Tumblr Tutorial page – new!

<div><!--Tumblr Tag Cloud [2012-03-27]
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Look to Learn

Online Samples


Work Period

Task: Create 2 – 4 5 – 10 Look to Learn Activities for your students

Added Bonus?:Web 2 Tools

Coming Up: Social Bookmarking

48 thoughts on “ISV Series – Day 1”

    • I have done a little bit of work with blogs and wikis and some online tools but most of my knowledge is in applications such as the Microsoft Office suite as well as the adobe products.

      • Hi Phil,
        I have very little experience with Adobe products, as I haven’t really been put in situations where I had to use them.

    • Hi Phil

      It is good to know that you are teaching vce IT. How are you going in it, Last year I taught Unit 3 & 4 but this year we have IT 1& 2 only. Even this is my second year of VCE teaching, i am enjoyin it.

  1. I’m Mohamed, I am a drama teacher. I use iPads and Web 2.0 tools extensively in my teaching. My students author their own blogs, where they embed their own performances and screen-casts, as well as blog their reflections and evaluation of their artwork. Additionally, they attach photos and screenshots of their process-work and research.
    I also use wikis a lot when there are group tasks and a whole-class wiki for whole-class discussions. Most used apps on the iPad: Edmodo, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, ShowMe, YouTube, Blogger/BlogPress

    • Hi Mohamed,
      Welcome. It’s clear you’ve done a lot with ICTs and learning. My goal is to offer you some ideas that you might be able to use in your role as an eLearning Coordinator.

    • Hi Mohamed,
      What you do with your students sounds really interesting. This is something that I am looking at developing with my students more particularly the group tasks and online collaboration. I would love to chat and have you share your methods for integrating the ICT into you class so well.

  2. Hi,
    My name is Vanessa. I teach senior Maths at St Catherine’s School in Toorak. We are fortunate enough to have great ICT support and each staff member has a tablet. We are a laptop school, however the girls don’t have tablets. All Maths staff use ICT in every lesson. The most common software used is: OneNote, TI Nspire emulator and Geogebra. I am currently doin a Masters in Education for which my thesis topic is ‘Effective use of technology in the Maths classroom’… using Dynamic geometry freeware. I lead a research team on the use of IWBs when teaching at Viewbank college, a state school in the North. I have also worked for Jacaranda (Wiley publishers) as a digital publisher managing content and designing online interactivities for teaching and learning Mathematics.

    • Hi Vanessa,

      Wow – welcome. It will be great to work with you and get your feedback on how you might integrate the pedagogical strategies in this series to support your students and colleagues.
      Cheers, Tom

    • Hi Vanessa, I would love to hear about how your teachers use the iCT in Maths and be interested to note the difference I student outcomes as a result.

    • As a maths teacher myself I’d love to know how you use technologies efficiently in your classroom as I struggle with that. I use geogebra a lot myself, but not with the kids. We rarely use technology in maths, but I do have them on Mathletics with they seem to love.

  3. My name is Aoham. I am a grade 2 classroom teacher. My school, Al-Taqwa College is trying to establish an e-learning department. My colleague and I are the first to learn and lead and hopefully transforming our school 🙂

    • Fantastic! – Welcome to you both. I appreciate your being leaders in something new. Please remind us to consider the Early Years applications as many among us are working in the middle and high schools.

  4. ICT use Personal: iPads, mac, pc, use video editing, web tools
    With students (over 2 years ago) video editing, photo shohpe,mgarage band limited web tools, some interactive whiteboard use

  5. I’m Megan and I’m a Maths/English/ Psychology teacher in country Victoria. I’m really interested in how to more effectively integrate the use of technology to help my students learn more. I run a couple of blogs for my classes as well as a personal one. I have a YouTube channel for my maths students so they can access my teaching when I’m not around. I also use web based sites to do class activities for variety in class time.

    • And all this done with your iPhone! Great! How far to you come from? We’d like to see your YouTube channel and how you are using this with your students (the MeganAcademy?)

      • It’s not quite as impressive as Khan! But it’s
        It’s stuff they can watch at home while they’re trying to study or finish their homework.

  6. Hello, I am the ICT co-ordinator at Good Shepherd College in Hamilton where I teach ICT and Humanities. I have taught for 12 years and enjoy teaching from f to 10 using technology to enrich my programs. I love what students and I can do with technology and the boundaries are only limited to what you can think of.

  7. Hi Vanessa, you have done so much! In my school, we are starting using the ipads from next term and apart from finding and using useful apps in classrooms I have no idea of what am I going to do with those ipads..

  8. I teach art at St Catherine’s School, and have also taught Product Design and Visual Communications. Most of my ICT experiences have bveen using software to create or manipulate artworks, or to use it for rapid prototyping WITH CAD/CAM machines. I miss my laser cutter!! I am interested in ICT as a tool for teaching and learning as I teach alot of art history.

  9. I am the Learning & Teaching and Coordinator P-12 at Gilson College at Taylor Hill in the western suburbs. I use computer technology in a conventional way with my work. I love my iPad and use it often. I did teach P-6 ICT up until 4years ago, but was only beginning to look at web 2.0. I am looking forward to these workshops to expand my knowledge, understandings and skills in regard to web 2.0 for authentic, engaging teaching and learning.

    • Hi Sandra,

      Great to have you here as it’s all about Teaching and Learning, really, not technology, but Web 2.0 is a fantastic asset to personal learning. So welcome!

  10. Hi, my name is Amy. I teach Year 3/4 at Henderson College in Mildura. I have used blogging before, and am currently incorporating it into the classroom. I am interested in learning about ways to use the SMARTboard more frequently and efficiently in the classroom.

    • Hi Amy,

      Feel free to use the consultant expertise or others to support your interest in Smartboards and remind me if need to be take advantage of the one we have here.
      Tom —

  11. Hello. My name is Anne Tonga and I’m from Henderson College in Mildura. I am the Head of Secondary and I also teach English and Art this year.

    Our school is currently aiming to implement the use of our SMART boards in our lessons. I’m here to learn strategies and ways to do this. We are also wanting to start blogging as we have heard that this could be quite beneficial both in and out of the classroom. Looking forward to it!

    • Hi Anne. It would be really good to see your blog and be able to interact with you and your students. Maybe schools and students can link up to collaborate together at some stage when everyone is comfortable!

      • Hi Sandra. I think that would be a great idea, especially since we’re sister schools. Great way for our students to meet each other and learn from each other 🙂

  12. Name: Renee Hall
    School: Edinburgh Adventist Primary School
    Role in 2012: Year 2 Teacher
    Ways I use Technology: Use of an Interactive Whiteboard, computers in the class for small group tasks, research for new ideas and teaching methods…

  13. I am a Secondary teacher concentrating on the teaching of Mathematics and Science. The school is slowly adapting to managing the contact to students and parents through web-based site run by myPLS. I enjoy the implementation of new technology, but also aware that the fads can monopolise the time without delivering the school’s curriculum. The school has now allocated a small fraction of time to me for the development of ICT in the school-a sign of progress!

  14. I’m at a new school, teaching year 6, who have just embarked on an iPad program (most, not all, have them). As well as expanding my knowledge on Web 2.0, I’m hopeful of learning about new ways to use iPads effectively in our school community – not just my class. Cheers!

  15. Hi. My name’s Michelle and I teach at Sholem Aleichem College.
    I’m not in a classroom this year, but am in charge of various “things” – one of which is ICT in the school. Up til now our ICT has been a matter of running to keep up with the technology. We are now strategising and trying to formulate a long term plan. We spent last year “fixing” our domestic style network and are now working on the wifi and a small committee is trying to prioritise which way we move.
    The ideal would be to not only use the technology to enhance the students work, but to use it to design new opportunities for learning.

    • Hello Michelle, This sounds like the journey a lot of schools have been making as technology develops. Best wishes for the rest of the journey!

  16. I teach Primary ICT at Gilson College on the outskirts of Melbourne. My students are Prep to Grade Six so I teach the basics to the younger students and am beginning to use Web 2.0 with the older students. I look forward to finding out new, safe and engaging ways to incorporate Web 2.0 into lessons and being able to share these ideas with the wider school community.

  17. P.S. I’ve been an avid Mac user in schools since Apple 2e days and have just added an iPhone 4s to my Mac ‘collection’.

  18. Hi, my name is Joel. I work at Sholem Aleichem College in Elsternwick, as a grade 1 teacher. I use the interactive smartboard and the computers in the classroom to develop skills in literacy, numeracy and other subjects. I would love to learn other interesting skills within I.C.T to assist in the classroom as well as for the rest of the school.

  19. Hi,
    I am a classroom teacher for grade 3. I have just been assigned the role of ICT Facilitator for the primary school this year. I am very new to this role! I completed a facilitator’s training for EPICT from NICE last year and a unit on ‘Technology and Education’ from NICE as well. I started a class blog for grade 2 last year and am very keen to learn more and implement web 2.0 tools this year.


How about sharing your thoughts?