Working with Northside Christian College


ncc2Now that I’m back from the US, I look forward to working with staff at Northside Christian College for 2 days of professional learning.


Here’s an evolving list of the main points we’ll focus on for the two days:

  • Setting a clear, indisputable and shared vision of our goals for students.
  • Using technology to facilitate differentiated, personalised learning outcomes
  • Using formative analysis of student work to refine learning activities
  • Revising the curriculum to support 1:1 Digital Learning

Activity #1: Your Greatest Challenges

Activity #2: What is your Job?


While your colleagues are modifying the “One Sentence Essence” of your job, please explore the links below. You will be asked the following questions:

  1. What do you think the purpose of these activities are?
  2. What would be the educational value of such activities?
  3. What are the key components of the activity format?

Review the One Sentence Essence & its evolution.

Activity 3: Presentation – Learning in THIS era.

  • Challenges: Logistics or Learning?
  • Job – Teaching or developing Learners?

Activity 4: Owning the Vision

Melbourne Declaration

“The development of the Australian Curriculum will occur over three broad timeframes and is guided by two key documents: the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (pdf) and the Shape of the Australian Curriculum (pdf).”

from the opening paragraph on the Curriculum page of the ACARA Web site.

Validation from the Shape of the Australian Curriculum:

The curriculum development work of ACARA is guided by the Melbourne Declaration
on Educational Goals for Young Australians, adopted by the Ministerial Council in
December 2008. The Melbourne Declaration emphasises the importance of knowledge,
skills and understanding of learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum
priorities as the basis for a curriculum designed to support 21st century learning.

The Melbourne Declaration’s vision of “successful learners” (what would you add?)

Activity 5 – Look to Learn


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Self-managed Learning Framework for students