We’ve got a great day ahead of us (see the blurb), but as a warm-up and introduction, use the Comments link at the bottom of this post to:
- Introduce yourself (your role at your school, previous use of ICTs for learning)
Formal Introductions & De-brief
Now that we have used ICTs to support learning, let’s do a face-to-face introduction and de-brief the advantages of online comments and input.
Immersion Scenario
No one has to tell us that technology is changing our culture and the lives of our students. How will it impact education? How should what we do in schools change to best serve our purpose? What is our purpose?
- Presentation: Sixth Sense & Beyond?
Question: if learners have 24/7 anywhere access to information profiled just for them, what are 3 – 5 main knowledge, skills or values they will need to succeed?
Use this Stixyboard to post the ideas generated at your table.
Getting Started
Two main game-changing developments both support and require education to change. One are the emerging technologies that personalise access to rich information (such as Sixth Sense). The second area of amazing developments is psychology and the related pedagogies. If we tap into the right research, here’s what we can expect:
Those who know my work are aware that these bullet lists derive from Self-Determination Theory, Cultures of Thinking, Habits of Mind, Flow Theory, Grit and Authentic Happiness.
All of which get integrated through the new Classroom Routines of the Edge-ucators Way and the Seld-managed Learning Process of CEQ•LL
Look to Learn
- Online Samples by K-12 / KLA
- Look to Learn – overview
- Look to Learn Web site
- Look to Learn Sample Prompts
- Diigo Look to Learn Links
- Thinking Routines from the Visible Thinking team at Harvard
Getting Started: Tumblr
To “Work the Web” for education, we need a flexible space that empowers us to easily work with rich media. Our first stop will be Tumblr.
Full Tumblr Tutorial page – new!
- Start an account: Tumblr Login
- Find sources of rich media to follow: Tom’s Tumblr archives list & Follow (+)
- Tom’s Most Reblogged Tumblr Sources:The Daily What, The Guardian, The Atlantic, The Week Magazine, The New Yorker, Al Jazeera
- Explore Tumblr and search Tags: https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/
- Review your dashboard from those you follow
- Next: Reblog (but Why? – Look to Learn site + Copy/Paste Prompts )
Work Period
Task: Create 2 – 4 5 – 10 Look to Learn Activities for your students
Added Bonus?:Web 2 Tools
- Download the Web 2 Tools Overview handout
- Explore the Tools Panel
- Complete 2 Day Workshop Handout
Online Spaces
WordPress Blog
- Examples: iDesign, International Studies, OurSpace
- WordPress
- Get a WordPress Blog
- Change the theme
- Make a Post
- Embed YouTube (remember &rel=0)?
- Try TubeChop.com (see the Tubechop Update tutorial)
- Get Firefox or Chrome for extensions like the video downloader?
- Embed all kinds of media in WordPress (maps, images, documents or polls?)
- Customising your Menu
- Getting Started Tutorials from WordPress.com or WordPress Lessons or Overall WordPress Support Tutorials
- WordPress Shortcodes – sample
- Rebel without a Cause use of EtherPad
- Copy / Paste Look to Learn Prompts into a page on your blog
- Copy / Paste the Web 2 Tools Panel?
- Use the About Page to capture your goals for using the Blog
The ClassPortal Twist
- Child Slave Labor News (see also “Slavery Footprint“)
- PodKids Australia
- Possible Topics?
- Brainstorm your passions
- Contribute to Wikipedia? – Simple English Wikipedia on China vs. regular Adelaide page
For Ideas
- Change.org: Social Network For Social Activism
- OXFAM – Reshaping our World – Poverty Maps (+ Complete Story Library from OXFAM)
- Idea Index from the Buckminster Fuller Challenge
- The Girl who Silenced the U.N. for Five Minutes
- End Homelessness
- 10 Revolutionary Acts of Courage by Ordinary People
- 50 Items That Should Change the World
C E Q • A LL / Seek all!
Self-managed Learning Framework for students
- Overview / Rationale
- Profiles (pdf)
- Rubric (pdf)
Hi I’m Corey Lewis and I’m a 5/6 teacher at Holy Family Catholic School. I have 28 students and 20 of them with laptops and 3 class laptops. I would like to increase the usage of computers in my classroom
Name is Lee Del Col and I am a Year 7 teacher at Holy Family Catholic School. Goals for using ICT in learning is to bridge the gap between students at home literacies whereby they demonstrate a vast array of techno-literacies and skills, to that of school where often they adopt a one dimensional approach to using ICT as a tool for attaining information.
hey Lee, I am answering you as I am not comfortable enough to answer people I don’t know!! I love the word techno-literacies
My name is Musekiwa Mafara and I teach tech studies at Murray Bridge High School. I like up dating my knowledge in the profession so that I keep improving on my pedagogical methods to enhance student outcomes.
Hi my name is Katie Downie. I am a 6/7 class teacher and the ICT coordinator at St Martin’s Catholic Primary School, Greenacres. Today I hope to learn how to integrate ICT into everyday learning for the students in a way that all teachers will be able to use. I also hope to learn how utilise the laptops in the upper primary more effectively for the students so they are using them for learning as well as research.
Hi Katie- I too teach Year 7 students. At our school, the majority of our students have laptops… it is pretty sweet. And all the things they can do with are very creative.
Hey Katie! Lovely to see you again! Looking forward to hearing all about your role…
Konnichi wa minasan
Hi Everyone,
My name is Jodie Wood and I teach at Woodcroft College.
I run a leadership program with our year 5 students.
I teach Japanese 1-5 in our Junior School and ICT 1-5.
Goal – to encourage all staff in the use of ICT so all students gain as much access to ICT as possible in all curriculum areas.
Hi Jodie. I too am working to encourage and help other teachers to make more use of and/or more effective use of ICTs in their teaching. It’s not always easy as there are teachers who are very unsure of their capabilities.
Hi Tom,
I am Leila. I work in Workforce Development in HR for DECD but I am a teacher in my other life. I am here today with two lead teacher scholarship winners from South Australian public schools.
I teach mostly in small schools so usually end up the ICT/techie person without realising it! Its been a long time since I have done some ICT T&D so looking forward to brushing up my skills.
Hi Leila, Please introduce our two celebrities!
E-Learning Co-ordinator Gawler High School for 8 – 12, teaching IT/IPR to Years 10 – 12. In 2013 we will amalgamate with Evanston PS to become a B-12 school.
I won this position at the beginning of the year.
One of my primary goals for this year is to implement 21st century learning starting with year 8/9 across faculties. My particular area of interest is using technology as a “Mind Tool”.
I am Karen Riemsdyk from Xcitelogic, Adelaide Office.
Recently appointed to the Curriculum Learning Team here in Adelaide, I have 28yrs teaching experience and for the last 21 years have been immersed in the ICT ‘juggernaut’ in teaching and learning. My recent role (of the last 12 years) has been as an ICT Teacher/Coordinator in a school.
I am passionate about supporting teachers to fully integrate ICTs into teaching and learning and my current role at Xcite involves working with teachers in schools (R-12) and adult education, to achieve this end…particularly with and through mobile learning devices in flexible learning spaces.
Hi, I work at Tyndale Chrisyian School. I am the Learning Inovations Facilitator. I have working in the IT industry for about 25 years and have shifted into education in the last 7 years.
My role is ICT Coordinator at Immanuel Primary School.
My goals for using ICTs in learning are for ICTs to be ubiquitous in learning enabling learners of all ages to meet (and exceed) their learning aspirations using a broad range of technologies.
I am a teacher at Cardijn College, Noarlunga Downs. I teach mainly in the areas of Business, Enterprise and Technology and SOSE and have been interested in the area of ICTs in education for a long time. I am my school’s SCOOTLE manager and also have time to assist other teachers in their use of e-learning and ICTs in the classroom. I love to learn and am hoping today will help me to engage my students so that they too will love to learn.
My name is Deborah and I am at Catholic Ed SA as a digital learning consultant. I’m interested in integrating ICT throughout the curriculum, making learning relevant and fun and exploring the use of ICTs for 21st century skills.
Hi my name is Steph, Assistant Head of the Junior School, Seymour College. This year we embarked on a 1:1 program which has seen our Year 5,6,7,9 students purchase iPads and our Year 10-12 laptops. Each staff member has also been given a laptop. Part of my role this year is an e-learning integrator, overseeing the iPad program in the school particularly.
Hi Tom, looking forward to our session today. I am fortunate my current school values technology and professional learning hence my inclusion last night and today. As I journey along the Inquiry path with my students I look forward to purposefully using more ICT – some of my students joined our BYOD trial this week to enable greater access and options.
Director of Music 2012
Director of Instrumental & Vocal Studies
Member of the Immanuel ICT task-force
I’m always keen to see our students challenged to be creative with their technology rather than a passenger…
What are the 4 things you consider to be essential for digital learning – one was an online space. What are the next three?
Hi All,
I’m Anne De Nicolo and I work at Catholic Education as an e-Learning Consultant.
I hope to learn about more ways of working with students with 1-1 devices- BYOD and expanding horizons for collaboration…especially if you start in the right place.
Hi, I am Tina Photakis and I am currently teaching at Cowandilla Primary School. I have been teaching for a long time and funnily enough, I still love it! My role this year has changed and I am currently teaching a year 3/4 class.For the past 31 years I I have taught classroom and Greek R-7 but this year I am taking a break from teaching Greek and ICT as a NIT subject.
I have always loved anything digital so when I discovered ThinkQuest, an online learning environment and website competition, I spent many hours/days/months/years exploring the vast online world. I have also been involved with the CEGSA committee for many years and am currently the vice president AND convener of the CEGSA2012 conference.
This year I am concentrating on working smarter online and to create an effective online space, for myself and my students.
Hi Tina, would love to have a quick chat with you before we go today about the CEGSA conference! Ta