Great work by Participants

The following is a list of the Web sites created over two days by teachers supporting studies of Asia.  We used as the main platform to post Look to Learn activities.  These included embedded YouTube videos and a clever workaround to open shortened versions through direct links to TubeChop.  Thinking prompts encourage students to engage in open inquiry in order to develop a disposition for critical thinking.  The sites also link to Netvibes pages teachers created to enrich the current multimedia resources available to themselves and students.  Finally, we joined Diigo as a way to bookmark, share and collaboratively annotate Web content.  A full two days, but visiting the links below will reveal the great work achieved by all participants.

Lindy Stirling organised this workshop and did a fantastic job rounding-up such a motivated and talented group of educators as well as the location which was perfect for a group this size.

Here is the link for the original workshop posting with all the links and resources.

How about sharing your thoughts?