18 thoughts on “Studies of Asia Feedback”

  1. This has been an outstanding two days for me. Very challenging but extremely rewarding. I now just need to go away and keep practising what I have learnt over these past two days. I feel that what has been achieved will be most beneficial and engaging for my students. Thankyou Tom and Lindy.

  2. Great PD, lots of new and exciting possibilities to now go back to school and see what I can implement and use. Thanks

  3. I think it really important that we have time to play – this helps you nut things out and you then know that you have more chance of remembering how to do things when you leave.

  4. I thought that this two day pd was extremely beneficial for myself. I learnt a great deal about blogging which I know I can include throughout my Asian Perspectives unit at school. We will be able to go back to school and educate other staff members and hopefully start up classroom and a whole school blog in the school. I also quite enjoyed going through the Asia website to really see what was on it.

  5. This has been an awsome experience. I think Tom did a great job of managing the class size!
    I have walked away with an amazing resource and the confidence to use it (as well as the confidence to teach others the basics). Thank you very much Tom.
    Thanks Lindy for your management. The meal vouchers were great (I recommend the sandwiches on collins shop and the other one in the same space. Quick and delicious). Being from a regional area we would have appreciated a bit more notice on confirmation in order to get our accommodation etc organized. I leave here very excited about the use of these technologies in the LOTE classroom!

  6. What an amazing PD. The pace was too fast on day 2 and will take a while to go over all the learning. Can’t wait to get back and show off my learning.
    Thanks Lindy and Thank You Tom

  7. Thank you so much for all your patience and good humor in passing on your considerable skills. I’ve learned more it 2 days than I thought possible,



  8. Tom and Lindy,
    Thanks for running such a worthwhile PD. I have really enjoyed creating both a blog and Pageflake web page. I can now see many applications for these pages and plan to continue weekly sessions to incorporate lots of interactive magic in my grade.

  9. This has been a steep learning curve that I have enjoyed. It has opened my eyes and given me a new challenge and opportunities that I want my students to experience. I especially liked pageflakes and learning about tubechop. It is something that I know will be ever changing!!

  10. I found the PD to be excellent! I have been able to develop my ICT skills and explore these tools to gain the best out of them for my teaching and student learning. I was able to create a blog, used RSS and even created a social bookmarking list, none of which I had used before.

    I am very pleased with what I have done over these two day, thanks for all the ideas and instructions!


  11. Thank you for providing a PD like this. The venue is really nice and I personally thought the food vouchers were clever. I’m glad the PD was so hands on with lots of opportunities and time to play and explore. It’s also great to be able to take something away from it too. Having a blog with useful resources is something I will definitely reflect back on and use.
    I’m not sure what I was hoping to achieve in terms of ICT and Asian Studies, but I do appreciate being shown the useful website for Asian studies.
    It catered for many different levels of understanding and I never felt any question was too silly nor did I feel rushed when Tom was helping me out. He was very patient in repeating the same thing over and over again.

    Thank you very much

  12. I have really enjoyed the work shop and I’m looking forward to trying this out in the school environment and sharing it with others.
    Great venue and great to have ICT that works as you want it to !
    Great workshop.
    Would love to see some study tours to Japan.
    Also establishing a sister school workshop would be great. ( i understand that WA ran some of these previously).

  13. It has been really fun creating a personal blog. I have learned more about Web 2.0 and all the various online site we can use for the blog. I particularly enjoyed learning about PageFlakes and the website in relations to studies of Asia. I will bring it back to school and share with the staff. I look forward to be part of the initiatives of the national curriculum.

  14. Thoroughly enjoyed the last two days. i have learnt so much and have built upon the skills I already had. Very informative and need to keep practising so that I don’t forget how to do things. Great resources for Asian studies.
    Thank you Tom and Lindy

  15. Really enjoyed the practical focus of the pd. have come away with some good tools to use in the classroom and professionally. Now just have to think and focus on how to incorporate the Asia theme throughout the curriculum – but have certainly come away with some resources to aid this.

  16. Learnt a lot and enjoyed Tom’s style of presentation. I hadn’t previously tried putting a blog together but with all the additional items that we were shown I can now see how useful it could be. It was also good to receive the links to Asian resources.

  17. i learnt a lot over the last 2 days. I just hope i can remember what I am doing when I am unaided. Unfortunately i found the sessions EXTREMELY STRESSFUL and too fast for me to grasp successfully. I felt I would need a longer duration to take in all that we achieved. Tom was FANTASTIC! Very supportive and very understanding of people with my limited knowledge. You have a lot of patience Tom. Thankyou


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