Pass the Pen – IWB Workshop

Empowering Primary Learners through IWBs

The Blurb: In a world where rich resources have never been so freely available, our students must get “hands-on” experience making learning choices.  Thus, once teachers have learned the basic tools of the Interactive Whiteboard, the challenge is to use IWBs as a shared learning space with students. Employed as a window to the world, an IWB connects classroom learning with engaging Web 2.0 resources and applications that can enliven classroom practices and “flatten the learning hierarchy.” This session prepares teachers to empower their students to move beyond “technology as entertainment” and to apply the riches of the Web to achieve deep learning and positive habits of mind.

Pedagogical Framework

3 ‘levels of use of IWBs by teachers in their research:

  1. Supported didactic – where the IWB is used to enhance traditional board-focused didactic teaching
  2. Interactive – where the teacher recognizes some of the additional benefits of the technology and endeavours to stimulate interactivity by questioning and involvement of pupils
  3. Enhanced interactive – where the teacher moves from the instructional to the involvement role and uses the technology to stimulate, integrate and develop interactive learning.

Benefits from the Enhanced interactive phase:

  • makes learning more interesting, authentic and relevant to students
  • allows more time for thinking, observation, discussion and analysis
  • increases opportunities for communication and collaboration
  • supports exploration and experimentation by providing immediate visual feedback
  • support multiple forms of conceptual representation

Today’s 3-Ring Circus


  • online space
  • IWB Basics

The Productive Circus

  • Students as Teachers
  • Students as Real-time Collaborators
  • Students as ongoing Content Creators

Download the Handout for today

Links – Students as Teachers



Mega Sites

Students as Real-time Collaborators – Web 2.0 Tools

Students as ongoing Content Creators

Audio – Podcast

Text – Wikipedia Page

Video – Interviews, Guides, Screencasts?

Maps – Producing Google Map Tours

News Updates – Blogging

IWB Resources



The Sites you made!