Edumate Confab – October 19


edumate-logoIt’s a pleasure to be part of the inaugural Edumate Confab to be held 19 October at Pymble Ladies’ College.  Our Hobsons Edumate team have been working hard to make this day as useful as possible for our schools.  My sliver of the day (everyday, in fact!) is focused on how to help schools achieve what matters most (for them).  For me this translates as “student success” as defined by each individual school community.

My sessions at the Confab all focus on teaching and learning, from the biggest issues confronting today’s schools to best practice approaches to designing, delivering and achieving the school’s goals for student success.

I hope you can join us!

General Assembly Keynote

Curriculum Module –  Best Practice Session

Help Articles:

  • Curriculum Planning Quick Reference Guide
  • Curriculum Planning Detailed Overview

Teaching & Learning Roundtable – Bring your questions and challenges

Curriculum Module – Masterclass

Learning Alignment System Best Practice

  • Help Article: How to Create Units in LAS