WebQuests 2.0

Although the spirit and pedagogies of WebQuests haven’t changed drastically over the last decade, the resources and tools available on the Web enable even more active and constructivist learning on the part of students.  Here are some resources as we explore WebQuests in a Web 2.0 World.

First, a revision of the original 10 Stages of Working the Web is in order, especially as it reflects many of the tools and strategies we’ve explored recently.  Here’s an updated Roadmap.

When you’ve got time for a little reading, you might want to look through an article written last year Revisiting WebQuests in a Web 2 World, but I’d suggest that using this handout to jump-start the process.

As a blast from the past, you might take a look at a WebQuest template we used circa 1996.  It still works to copy and paste it into WYSIWYG editor like WordPress, but as the preceding handout suggests, we’ve come a long way in terms of the work students can (and should) do.

Sites for finding WebQuests

Good Web 2 Tools for doing WebQuests

Gathering Evidence


Posting Learning

1 thought on “WebQuests 2.0”

  1. I would like to be able to use a much greater range of technologies ie web 2 in my pedagogy of teaching LOTE and thereby provide greater stimulation and enhancement for my students across all years levels 7-12 that i teach currently. I would like to view how they can enhance their learning process through these processes and provide a richer learning experience for them,


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