Copy and Paste these Looking Prompts if you want to make your own Look to Learn Activities.
The 5 W’s & H
As a class or group answer the questions as insightfully as you can.
- Who?
- What?
- Where?
- When?
- Why?
- How?
Write a headline that captures the most important point of this movie.
Cluster what You See
- Draw or use clustering software
- What’s the main idea or feeling? Put it in the center.
- Work as a class to brainstorm as much as you can about the movie.
- Group or connect any of the items into larger sets.
- What do you see?
- What do you think about that?
- What does it make you wonder?
Seeing Themes
- What is the main issue or feeling behind the video?
- Search for that theme in Tag Galaxy
- What images presented in the ball match those from your main theme?
- What are stereotypes related to the theme?
- Make a claim about the topic
- Identify support for your claim
- Ask a question related to your claim
Interpret This!
- What is the subject of this artwork?
- What are the artistic devices (images, sounds, etc.) used and what feelings do you get from them?
- Explore details from the work. What do you find most effective artistically?
Interpretation: Sum up your understanding of the artist’s intent in one statement. Be able to justify your opinion with specific insights or observations from the work.
What’s so great about…
- Why do you think people say this is so great?
- List what makes it “outstanding?”
- What would you do differently?
Find What’s Funny
- Why specific things make this “funny?”
- What is being made fun of?
- How would you make it “funnier?”
- Who is being stereotyped?
- Brainstorm as many things that you can that show this stereotype.
- Is the stereotype “true?” “Hurtful?” “Biased?”
- What feelings do you have after experiencing this?
- How were you made to feel this way?
- What would you like to do with these feelings?
KWL: Know – Want to Know – Learned
- What do you already know about this?
- What more would you want to learn?
- What is something new you learned by looking closely?
Pro – Con – Neutral
- Why would people be in favor of this?
- Why would people be against it?
- What would be a neutral position?