Core Tasks
Gallery Walk
All participants in the two AGQTP series will share their projects in a Gallery Walk.
If you haven’t already, consolidate some of what you have learned this year – in sessions and on your own – to showcase one use of Web 2 environments to support authentic student learning.
You can post your project showcase on any publicly available online space. Use the Instructions page or the ESP+I document for details on what this involves.
Core Strategies
- Look to Learn Overview and L2L site
- ClassPortals Overview and ClassPortals Support Site
- WebQuests 2.0 Process and Design Worksheet (pdf) and AISV WebQuest links
Core Documents
- Road Map for Integrating Web 2.0 & Strategies (pdf)
- Digital Teaching Levels (pdf)
- The CEQ-ALL Self Assessment Rubric (pdf)
- Course Modules Handbook (pdf)
Looking Ahead
As we celebrate great learning from this year, consider what you would like to do next year to continue your learning. Two specific offerings are available from AISV. One is a shorter 3 day series that lets you continue work you have done this year, thus providing more time and support to master the skills you are currently developing.
The second is a more focused elite group that will essentially “ramp up” this show case approach – the outcome of which will appear as a conference presentation and / or journal article. Much of this session will take place online with only two face-to-face meetings to facilitate knowledge building.
Please contact Tom March if you are interested in either of these two sessions. Also, consider having colleagues from your school take part in next year’s version of the workshop series you’re just completing. Many schools have found it useful to grow the local knowledge in this way.