Charting Web 2.0

What’s the difference?

Use the table below to compare how things used to be done on the World Wide Web and the newer Web 2.0 version.

Web 1.0   Web 2.0
Photo Gallery » Flickr or Tag Galaxy
WebMuseum » The Thinker Imagebase (with zoomify) or Jackson
HyperHistory » Dipity or Timelines
Britannica Online » Wikipedia
personal webpages » BloggingTwitter & Facebook
Bloglines RSS Feeds (web 1.5) » Pageflakes (ICT or IWB)
Graphic Organizers » Exploratree
Yahoo » tagging (Google News) orTagCloud
MapQuest » Google Maps (Streetview)

Critical Attributes of Web 2?

Use  Stixy to share 3 – 5 characteristics that  make Web 2 different from Web 1.

Defining Terms

If some of the jargon is confusing, try this handy interactive graphic to access a Wikipedia definition of some terms you may have heard, but don’t understand.

Web 2.0 Glossary

33 thoughts on “Charting Web 2.0”

  1. I love how web 2.0 seems to draw you out of your seat, and into the world you are researching. As a visual learner this is engaging, rather than the old read and digest pages (good old encarta!).

  2. Web 2.0
    • Interactive
    • Summarises information – makes it easier to read and understand quickly
    • Fun and exciting
    • Sites are quicker to navigate and find/sort through information
    • Simplified
    • Many more options

  3. My observations of web 2 were that it…

    • more animated / visually stimulating
    • Interactive – get to ‘do’ stuff
    • Links to more in depth information and additional aides
    • Degree of simplicity / user friendly
    • Organisers allow for greater creativity
    • Assists in making links between subjects
    • Easier to update – more ‘real time’
    • Faster!
    • Can get ‘closer’ – more ‘real’

  4. 3 differences between web 1.0 and 2.0:
    – 2.0 is a lot more interactive. As a user you are able to add info and update things very quickly
    – 2.0 can be real time updated. As a user you can interact with another user on the spot, no matter where they are.
    – 2.0 is open-ended, it is always evolving and always takes you to new information

  5. web2 is interactive
    web2 can tag to make searching simpler
    web2 can collaborate and share content
    web 2 is in real time

  6. Web 2.0 is more interactive, visually stimulating and often incorporates a range of resouces. You can contribute by adding your own resources or by tagging.

  7. The Web 2 tools are:
    Allow a larger amount of information to be made available
    More colourful and attractive
    Able to work online, save online and share online

  8. Web 2.0 is more interactive and user friendly. It give more of the wow factor and really engages the researcher/user.

  9. Web 1 & Web 2 Comparison

    – Web 1 is informative
    – Web 2 is interactive

    – Web 1 utilises links, text and photos
    – Web 2 advances on Web 1, much more visual

    – Web 1 has basic sites
    – Web 2 has advances to multiple examples of information/communication programs and sites

  10. Web 2.0 websites provide simply a framework – the users are the authors of the content. It’s like a playground, with a slide, blocks and a sandbox – the children playing in it are the ones who decide what game to play, if to create a sand-castle or sand-monster, etc.

  11. Some great tools there. Am very interested in Pageflakes.

    Many of you may know this site already: It has a bewildering amount of web2 sites.

    I would like to know if anyone here uses Podcasts in their lessons or as homework.

  12. It seems to me the main difference between web 1 and web 2.0 is the level in which web 2.0 tools are interactive. Web 2.0 tools seem to have further links to blogs and wikis for points of discussion and feedback.

    Rather than being seen as a source of information or creativity web 2.0 tools allow for greater interaction and response from a wide gammit of users.

  13. Web 2 is interactive, allows *open* membership, encourages cooperation and comments, users publish directly into pages, upload information, files, images or videos etc.., One of the issues is that of privacy and legal requirements, particularly if kids are publishing photos or personal opinions online – as they might be subject to criticism or ridicule or they might even act to criticise teachers or schools – the options are endless!

  14. I really like exploratree, it is interactive and allows users to create their own thinking templates. I suppose it it that quality of interactivity within the web page that distinguishes web 2 from web1 – where you sample from provided content.

  15. Web2 encourages interaction and feedback, draws together information from external or multiple sources, can provide opportunities for remote storage and is ever evolving.

  16. More features and easier to navigate.
    Web 2.0 tools are more interactive.

    It allows for greater interaction between users. Visually stimulating.

    Love the Exploratree – can see real benefits for developing thinking skills and using graphic organisers.

  17. An interesting analysis – something I have often pondered.
    Obvious feature differences between Web1.0 to 2.0:
    •From Static to Dynamic
    •From Display to Collaborative
    •From Informative to Explorative
    •From Data to Analytical
    •From 2D to 3D
    •From Open ended to Purposeful
    •From Broad-based to Pedagogical
    •From individual input to dynamic collaboration

  18. Web 2 is:
    -more social in nature than Web 1, often offering a response facility and the ability to interact back and forth
    – often more dynamic, multi-dimensional, visually stimulating
    – facilitates the user working in different modes of learning, a lot more choice and more than one style at a time

  19. Interactive – allows the user to explore and find what THEY want to find, rather than the website dictating to them which parts are important.

  20. Really liked the exploratree. Can’t wait to take it back and share. Very user friendly.

    Thought that pageflakes was great for the IWB. Looking forward to finding out more and seeing if it can be censored/changed for Junior School students.

  21. Web 2 offers more visual interaction with pictures video etc rather than lots of words as with Web 1.0.
    Web 1.0 seems more linear with lists and filing cards while Web 2.0 is more organic with links in all directions.
    Interactivity is a feature of Web 2.0 where I can interact rather than just view.

  22. Web 2 is interactive, more social, more dynamic.
    Much more engaging, has the WOW factor
    Links in with other web 2 tools
    Love the Tag Galaxy- if only flickr wasn’t blocked @ plc!

  23. Pingback: Jonasstoebe's Blog

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