IWBnet Gold Coast Conference


The following links will support people attending or interested in my sessions at the Third National Leading a Digital School Conference – 2009.

First off – I’m doing a keynote I’m calling “The Future Began Last Year”.  A main point is that the world has changed around education and it’s in everyone’s best interest to invent the next model for learning in our new digital age.

Here’s the Keynote blurb:

We are entering an era when a student with broadband access to an unfiltered Internet can learn more than he or she could in many of our schools. At the same time, another student could use the same technologies to derail the course of his or her life. The key differences between the two involve intrinsic motivation, a disposition toward critical thinking and the ability to navigate this century’s digital environment. What role will your school play in support of students’ growth and learning?  Will technology enable students to “supercharge” and personalise learning or will personal technologies only disrupt last century’s assembly line schools? The important thing is that you get to choose the future you want.  The hard part is that we’re already a few steps behind. This brief session will establish the above argument and then offer a new framework to guide education’s transition from a culture focused on standardised outcomes and compliance to one that empowers students to achieve their full potentials. Perhaps ironically, such humanistic goals are best accomplished through a comprehensive integration of emerging technologies.

(Apple is putting together a composite of my talking head & slides so if it’s okay, I’ll link to it.)

Workshop: A Vision for the Future:  Building School 2.0 3.0

Session Blurb:

Blogs, wikis, podcasts and RSS?  Whatever happened to just “the Internet” and when did “Web 1” pass its use-by date? More importantly, how will your school grow and prosper in an era of YouMyFaceSpaceBookTube? Be reassured that the answer resides in developing educators into experts in pedagogy, not technology. This double session is designed as an engaging exploration of Web 2.0 technologies, the CEQ- ALL personal learning framework and classroom practices that promote the best of emerging technologies using strategies for today’s schools.

Pedagogical Foundations:

Session handouts:

Exemplars: Blog, ClassPortal & WebQuest


1 – Looking to Learn – Disposition toward Inquiry

2 – ClassPortals: Choice, Competence and Relatedness

3 – WebQuests – Flow & the Pursuit of Quality

Other Helpful Documents

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