Why I Love WordPress (again)

I’ve been using WordPress since 2004 and have become a broken record lauding it as an exemplar of open source software and community.  I’ve used every flavor of WordPress and still do for a variety of different applications: wordpress.com, wordpress.org, network version, softaculous installs, etc.  For this site and almost everyone I create I use my own installation, but for workshops – so that people can get started within minutes and develop content that can later be exported and imported to their own full install – I use wordpress.com.

What’s prompted this post is that I’m getting ready for a new series of workshops and wanted to see how the .com version might handle Pinterest embeds.  Those who use this version, know that embeds can be limited because nasty coding can be injected that could harm the shared hosting and servers.  But the WordPress team has been great about keeping up with the dominant trends in Web 2.0 and creates shortcodes that convert the embed into WordPress-friendly content.  All the major video sites work this way as do Google Maps.

So imagine my delight when seeking new rich media for Look to Learn posts that I learned WordPress.com already accepts Pinterest embeds:

Look to Learn

Imagine this fellows drawing board were an iPad – how might this be symbolic for our “All Fit to One’s Size” digital culture?

Source: domusweb.it via Ben on Pinterest


  1. What do you see?
  2. What do you think about that?
  3. What does it make you wonder?

How about sharing your thoughts?