PS22 Choir

Inspiring on so many levels


  1. What do you see?
  2. What do you think about that?
  3. What does it make you wonder?

Whose Future?

In 1994, the Digital Corporation produced this sexy preview of what the Web had to offer the world. They titled it “VisionShift.” Less than fifteen years later, look how this “Web” has evolved into a phone platform with personalized, location-based offerings that far exceed our wildest dreams in 1994.

Many have seen Pattie Maes’ TEDTalks on the Sixth Sense technology that is currently feasible for less than a topflight phone…

The question is not, “Will this really become available?”  Nor even “When?” The question for us to address is,

“Honestly, what might Sixth Sense become in fifteen years time that we can’t even imagine right now?”

Now let’s add a kicker:

“What are schools doing so that students’ can take advantage of such personal learning potential?”

Journalism : Then and Now

Pro – Con – Neutral

  1. Why would people be in favor of this?
  2. Why would people be against it?
  3. What would be a neutral position?

When I become a Teacher – really?


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim

A vision of K-12 Education


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim

Touch Technology

What will students be using in 5 years?


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim

Why does the cockatoo do this?

Why does the cockatoo do this?

Do cockatoos do this in the wild?

The 5 W’s & H

As a class or group answer the questions as insightfully as you can.

  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Why?
  • How?

Robotics – Honda Ad

Is technology like robotics good as suggested by this ad?


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim

Get into “Flow”

Above is the last section of Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi’s presentation where he describes Flow. You can also see the full video.

What is “Flow”?  Describe it in your own words.

Have you had a Flow experience?  If so, describe what you were doing.

How do you experience “Challenges”?  Are they positive, negative or neutral?

German coastguard

Why is it important to learn a language?

What things can still go wrong in cross cultural communication?


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim