I Love the World – Earth Day

Earth Day was invented so that people would appreciate the amazing planet we call home.  View the promotional video and use the prompt below.  You might want to either comment on the earth’s awesomeness or the effectiveness of the video.


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim

Climate Catastrophe!?

Commit to a decision – do you agree with this argument?


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim


Tsunami of Waste?

Gyre, 2009
8×11 feet, in three vertical panels

Depicts 2.4 million pieces of plastic, equal to the estimated number of pounds of plastic pollution that enter the world’s oceans every hour. All of the plastic in this image was collected from the Pacific Ocean.

Interpret This!

What is the subject of this artwork?

What is really the subject?

Explore details from the work.  What do you find most effective artistically?

Do you understand the meaning of gyre?  Did you know about the spread of plastic in the oceans?

Interpretation: Decide whether you think Chris Jordan’s work is more of an artistic or environmental statement.  Justify your opinion by supporting your view with specific insights or observations.

Sister Dorothy & the Rainforest

“Parts” Cluster

  1. Use clustering software like Bubble.us or Mind42
  2. What’s the main idea or feeling? Put it in the center.
  3. Work as a class or team to brainstorm as much as you can about the movie.
  4. Group or connect any of the items into larger sets.


  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim

Held over a Barrel?

Click on the image to see a larger version.  You can go to the original Web site to see more.

Headlines – What do you See?

  1. Write a headline that captures the most important point.

Note on this image: “Oil Barrels, 2008 – Depicts 28,000 42-gallon barrels, the amount of of oil consumed in the United States every two minutes (equal to the flow of a medium-sized river).”