Find What’s Funny: Texting Driver


  1. Find things the cartoonist has done to make this funny and to get a point across.
  2. Identify support for your claim.
  3. Ask a question related to your own use of technology.

There’s Data in them thar Kids

  1. Load this image into Twiddla or another drawing program
  2. Use the Pen and/or the text tool to highlight the parts of the cartoon that make it “funny”
  3. What is the author saying about President Obama and his Secretary of Education?
  4. What does this point make you think or wonder about?

Swine flu

Swine flu

What’s So Funny? – Claim-Support-Question

  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim

If you want to learn more about this flu, click on the link below.

Twitter Symptoms



  1. Make a claim about the topic
  2. Identify support for your claim
  3. Ask a question related to your claim