Dunning-Kruger Effect QuickQuest

DKE QuickQuest

Intro to the latest QuickQuest

The Dunning-Kruger Effect is that crazy finding that people who think they are the best at something (VERY confident) are often the least knowledgeable, skilled and competent. Yikes! Of course this makes sense: how can you know your deficiencies when you know little about what goes into a topic or task?

This perplexing “Huh?” kind of cognitive experience makes the Dunning-Kruger Effect a great tool to engage students and prompt them to reflect on their own cognitive biases and to promote the kind of intellectual humility that can lead to real growth and expertise.

How you can use this to Engage Your Students?

I’ve decided to try this approach. I want all teachers and their students to benefit from engaging in this topic and to benefit from the terrific resources people have put online. Also, I reckon it’s not a bad idea to get paid for a few days work 😉 . So here’s the approach. Below you will find a hotlist of all the resources used in the QuickQuest.  You can sift through the list, find things you like and then create the learning activities around them. Go creativity!

The other option is to use the slides and activities I’ve already created using all the links from the hotlist. You can find this on my TeachersPayTeachers Store.  Here’s a short overview video that highlights how you and students can get started immediately if you want to download my QuickQuest.

Here’s the Video Overview of the QuickQuest

Here’s the Hotlist of Links


I’m always interested in hearing back from people, whether that’s through comments on this post, via Twitter (@NextEraEd) or privately using the contact form.  Let’s not get overwhelmed with outcomes, standards and subject content to the point where we neglect helping students learn to learn and reflect on their cognitive development and joy in learning!


How about sharing your thoughts?