Working at St Paul’s in Port Macquarie


It’s a pleasure to be working with teachers in the St Agnes’ Parish in Port Macquarie.

Getting Started – Any Questions?

Because the schools already serve courses on Moodle, support student learning with laptops and will launch an iPad program for Year 7 students in 2013, let’s focus on integrating Web 2.0 tools to advance student learning and success.  In other words, you’re already quick a ways along your journey.  So to begin, let’s see what questions people have.  Let’s take a risk and try some new software – go to this forum (if it stuffs up – come right back and use the Comments function for this post! – or you can always use the Contact Form)

Brainstorming the Challenge

What are the positive and negative aspects for having students pursue learning through 1:1 digital devices?  Or Plan B with Stixy.  (By the way, in case you want a quick fil-in on Web 2.0 here’s a clickable tagcloud)

So how do we keep to the positive and avoid the negative?

Background Presentation

I’ve been working on this challenge for many years, so let’s make sure we understand the real issues.  This is where I do a presentation.

Pedagogical Validation

People rightly want to validate the research – as they should – so here are some direct links to fields of research that I find most powerful for 1:1 personal learning: Self-Determination Theory, Cultures of Thinking, Habits of Mind, Flow Theory, Grit and Authentic Happiness.  Which integrate into the two core frameworks below.

Introduction to the Edge-ucators Way

Look to Learn examples

Tom’s Archive, stream and prompts + the “About Page

Snapshot of ClassPortals and WebQuests

  • Tom presents

Your Learning Session


  • ROWE – Results Only Work Environment: Time, Team, Task, Technology
  • SOLE – Self Organising Learning Environment – Sugata Mitra TED Talk
  • The CEQ•ALL Rubric to guide your process.

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

Immersion Activity

You can choose any of the three levels to achieve results on (ROWE) during this hands-on workshop session.  So that we get an idea of how many will choose each level, use the poll here to indicate your choice.

Other support

1. Looking to Learn

Required Result: Find or make 3- 5 Look to Learn activities you can use with students or colleagues

Example: History Compressed – See – Think – Wonder

The Tumblr Twist

To “Work the Web” for education, we need a flexible space that empowers us to easily work with rich media. Our first stop will be Tumblr.

Full Tumblr Tutorial page – new!

Web 2 Tools – Social Bookmarking

Web 2 Tools Sampler Panel

RSS Feeds

Other Media

3. WebQuests

Required Result: Review examples and online resources below, meet with Tom and complete the Designing a WebQuest handout for a specific unit of work.

Recent Samples

Older Examples

Tom’s WebQuest Resources

 4. Other?

  • Come chat with Tom



1 thought on “Working at St Paul’s in Port Macquarie”

  1. 3rd time……Not having used WEB 2 or having any experience with it, what is it and how can it help me with my teaching the the Mathematics KLA?


How about sharing your thoughts?