King’s College

Welcome to 2012!

As my first school-based work of the new year, I get to begin on a special initiative.  The principal of King’s College in Warrnambool, Victoria has organised a multi-tiered approach that’s very exciting to be a part of.  First, I will spend the day working with both the whole staff and then two separate smaller groups focused on more beginning and more advanced technology using educators.  What’s we hope will make this day really useful, however, is what comes after:  several staff members will join the 5 Day workshop series I run at Independent Schools Victoria and all Year 7 students this year will get an iPad to support their personal learning.

After a King’s College variation of my It’s Broken (So Let’s Fix it!) presentation, the two smaller sessions will target CEQ•ALL and The Edge-ucators Way.


The Edge-ucators Way Strategies

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