QSITE Conference

It’s a joy to be back at the QSITE conference where I’ve had the pleasure to keynote several times. Because the most recent was 2007, I’m looking forward to sharing how strategies like The Edge-ucators Way and CEQ•ALL have blossomed into NextEraEd. By the way, QSITE is the Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education and my sessions are on September 29 at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, south of Brisbane.

The Edge-ucators Way

Look to Learn



Interaction: Comment on this Post: how could you use / support Look to Learns?



For Ideas & Inspiration

Interaction: Brainstorm Topics you think would make good ClassPortals


WebQuests by Tom



Interaction: Brainstorm Topics / Big Questions for possible WebQuests (Group 1 & Group 2)

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

C E QA LL / Seek all!

Interaction: ClassBubbles to share your thoughts (use key: nexteraed)

Activity: Creating Your Smart Online Space

Activity – Web 2 Tools

15 thoughts on “QSITE Conference”

  1. This collection is making me think about how I am currently packaging and distributing materials on our portal – I like the clean – uncluttered lines – each resource isolated with thinking points AND always the opportunity to contribute.

    I tend to “clutter” lots of bits together in a “unit” rather than giving space for “thinking” and “interacting”….

    So I think I can improve on the thinking routines to support “Look and Learn”. Appreciate your resource sharing.

  2. Seems a good way to get kids to reflect more – a key skill that they’re not always keen to do. The more practise – hopefully the better they’ll become.

  3. I use many “Look to Learns” but am sometimes guilty of showing resources (passive and interactive) but not prompting enough thought and discussion about the resource. It’s good to be reminded about these things.

  4. Start with the teachers and introduce the idea to them. Let those interested run with it and try it in their classrooms. Feedback to group about successes/not quite successful.

  5. Look to learn is an interesting way to get students to think beyond the surface of a presentation/video – if the stimulus questions are pointed, open-ended and not what they were expecting then the impact of this strategy could be profound.

    The KEY would be to follow it up with a related activity to frurther connect the ideas surfaces and contextualise them in a different scenario

  6. Look To Learn could be used within my school as stimulis material for the start of lessons. A quick few minutes for access-view-discussion would be time well spent. It would also buy time for fixing those inevitable technology problems.

  7. Look2Learn Sample prompts can be used to encourage higher order thinking routines for students. When teaching web design skills students can be encouraged to analyse and evaluate the layout of their favourite website or a top ten website and gain insight into what makes the webpage successful. This can then be linked in with what they learn about web design theory and used to enhance their own website designs.

  8. I am starting to introduce Habits of Mind across my school. I think the mechanisms you suggest are useful as ways of engaging in the kids in explicitly teaching the habits. Eventually the HoM will be embedded in teachers mainstream curriculum but I have a Year 9 class for ‘personal development’ that I use to practice (experiment).

  9. I want to develop online collaborative projects for middle years science students in order for them to engage in “real” learning tasks. It will be helpful for them to be able to access suitable rich stimilus material and be able to contribute to discussions. I was planning of using Moodle to provide a base. Pulling in material from places like will be really helpful.


How about sharing your thoughts?