Adelaide – CEGSA

CEGSA – August 13 – Adelaide, South Australia

Computers in Education Group South Australia

St Peter’s College Junior School, North Terrace, St Peters.

Keynote: “It’s Broke, so Let’s Fix it” – re-making education for our Digital Era

We now live in era when self-motivated students with computers and broadband access can learn more than they could in school.  Not surprising since “school” is a construct designed using the best technology available one hundred years ago.  Although education has tried many reforms in the past thirty years, all have been based on this old model.  It’s time for a new construct.  Society has changed around us, undermining cultures focused on standardised outcomes and the myth of uniform excellence.  In other words, a culture like “school.”  The world surrounding schools has moved from a “one-size-fits-all” mentality to one where digital customisation enables a world “all-fit-to-one’s-size”.  In this new reality, learn about the four critical pieces needed to succeed and how you can get students and staff started today!

Presentation slides – download: 22 mb .mov (download the file and then open in a movie viewer or Firefox)

90 min hands-on Workshop: “Unpacking Next Era Ed”

This hands-on workshop follows from the keynote, “It’s Broke, so Let’s Fix It!” and details the main strategies of The Edge-ucators Way and CEQ•ALL (“Seek All”).  Find out how Web 2 tools and rich media can be integrated into evidence-based frameworks that you can use to shift from teacher-directed to student-managed learning that will span students’ school years and result in greater achievement and preparation for their futures.

The Edge-ucators Way

Look to Learn



Interaction: Comment on this Post: how could you use / support Look to Learns?



For Ideas & Inspiration

Interaction: Brainstorm Topics you think would make good ClassPortals


WebQuests by Tom



Interaction: Brainstorm Topics / Big Questions for possible WebQuests (Group 1 & Group 2)

Activity: Creating Your Smart Online Space

Activity – Web 2 Tools

Self-managed Learning Framework for students

C E QA LL / Seek all!

21 thoughts on “Adelaide – CEGSA”

  1. I could use the Look to Learn resources as a launchpad for students regardless of ability. The students could work at their own pace without the need to create a support education option or an extension option.

  2. Can see myself using with my non-English speaking classes as not only a tool to promote a culture of inquiry but also as a meaningful oral language learning experience…. I can feel the cogs of my brain churning away as I think about the possibilities….

    • Hi Laura, excellent idea. The rich media allows for students to analyse without necessarily being limited by literacy. Thanks!

  3. can see me using this in my role with classes across school in research lesson to give greater meaning and deeper thought to topics. Use as examples with staff to allow them particularly middle and upper primary in their sose and science lessons .

    • Hi Wendy – yes – great idea. Use with staff regularly before having them run with it if the PL culture could use a boost in open inquiry.

  4. We already use them in staff meetings but I want to encourage our staff to use them in their classrooms as starter topics or class discussions. Can we demonstrate how we make connections and question our learning through modelling our thought processes? It is a good way to give students a common experience or starting point to refer to in their learning.

  5. Great tuning in and building and sharing understandings and ideas. Some of the suggested prompts I have used. Really enhance the idea of explaining what we know, how we know it, what we can do with this idea/content, how we can think differently about an idea/concept. Works well with Habits of Mind and Community of Inquiry.

  6. We have 5 weekly M&M sessions – Mentoring and Moderation. These are times where students present work for peer moderation and feedback plus mentors keeping track of how students in their mentor groups are going with their work. These Look to Learn activities would be a great way to start these sessions by promoting thinking and discussion.

  7. This is very informative and interesting and there is a lot here to digest. I can see the need for teachers to develop the skills required for students to be self managed learners. This would mean implementing the pyramid from the ground up over a period of time so that students mature/develop the ability to be self sufficient learners.

  8. I can see how easy I could embed this into one of my traditional Black and White photography course. A range of photographic techniques and the interpretation the students could give, certain images and the power behind them.

  9. My students are not good attenders but do complete the work when it is convenient to them. Look to Learn and 24/7 ready learning might increase their learning capacity and might change their attendance in a social learning capacity.

  10. Thought provoking short videos of this type seem to be an excellent way to get students into a good frame of mind to have an open and reflective mood for ongoing learning in the classroom. It would be a good focus activity and generate useful comments and interaction. It is a personal (but directed) response, so non threatening as well. Additionally, it made me start thinking of other video clips I could contribute.

  11. to assist students to see relevance of a particular science topic
    to help students identify areas in science they wish to explore
    to entuse students to delve further into the topic.

  12. As away of focusing class thinking and a way of adding to/creating a class culture, having students view some of the scenarios and comment,interact and discuss,would be valuable. I have used See, think and wonder before with great success with students to help them focus their attention on a particular topic.

  13. These ‘Look to Learn’ exercises would be useful to give to students as an introduction to topics, and promote further learning and discussion. They would help determine the way in which each student is thinking critically – or not. They give the opportunity for all students to express their opinions.

  14. Hi Tom,
    Finding your presentation and workshop extremely thought provoking. I’m the ICT Services Manager at Pulteney Grammar, so not a current teacher, but wish there was more thinking and reflection on context and process, and especially delivering the ‘My Edn’ to learning back when I was teaching in the ’80’s.
    Thanks for your input at the CEGSA Conference 11.
    Cheers, Peter B.


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