Studies of Asia


I have the pleasure of facilitating another 2 Day workshop for the Studies of Asia group at the Victorian department of education.  Lindy Stirling, State Advisor, Studies of Asia (see the Studies of Asia Wiki) has organised this session at the Clifton’s in blustery Melbourne.

The extensive handouts are available here:

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to share your personal learning goals for the session.

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Studies of Asia Links

6 thoughts on “Studies of Asia”

  1. My goals for these sessions are to learn most ICT tools to use within my classroom and to also integrate Asian Studies into my school/classroom.

  2. Learning Goal: to develop an understanding of how to use ICT to engage students in Asian Literacy studies (across grade levels)

  3. My goals are to find some new and exciting ways to use ICT in the classroom. ICT is a big focus at my school at the moment so this course fit in well with my school Professional Development goals.

  4. My goals are to have a better understanding of ICT and to incorporate it in my teaching of LOTE mandarin at the primary school level.

  5. I am looking for lots of ideas to incorporate in the early years classroom, and even more ideas/resources for my Japanese Culture class.


How about sharing your thoughts?