Miniature Earth

See – Think – Wonder

  1. What did you see that surprised you?
  2. What does this make you think about?
  3. What does this make you Wonder about your life and the other people in our “village?”

3 thoughts on “Miniature Earth”

  1. We think it’s great because it shows us how much poverty there is in the world and we were very surprised that only 12 people have a computer and only 3 have an internet connection. Also 14 can’t read. We think its very important to help these people because poverty is a very bad thing. If you keep your food in a refrigerator, your clothes in a closet, sleep in your bed and have a roof over your head then your richer than 75% of the worlds entire population.

  2. Surprised that 9 are disabled (thought it would be less) and 43 live without basic sanitation (considering 47 live in urban areas – that means that only 10 non-urban people have basic sanitation). Not surprised that 6 people control 59% of the wealth. Only 7 people educated at a secondary level is very concerning, as is the fact that only 3 have access to the Internet.


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