
TubePrompterCarrying on in the theme of “Builder” Tools and scaffolding higher order thinking, this month’s new addition is the TubePrompter, an interactive page to facilitate “Learning 2 Look” activities using the wild richness of YouTube. Besides eliminating all the distractions inherent in the YouTube site, TubePrompter also offers ten different scaffolds to help groups of students learn through close looking. Simply copy the “embed” code for a YouTube video and paste it into TubePrompter, then click the “Learn 2 Look” button to open a new window with your chosen video embedded and a raft of prompts designed to inspire student thinking.

See the newly updated Web site:

Easily embed videos from sites like these into a clean Webpage frame with 10 Looking Prompts only a button-click away (see the Prompts frame). 

YouTubeCNNTeacher TubeABC ForaVimeoDailyMotionmetacafeBlipTV

2 thoughts on “TubePrompter”

  1. The Thesis Builder is fantastic, I loved using it, thank you! I am definitely going to write a nice post about your work/site and encourage readers to visit.

  2. How cool! In my Computers in Education class this week we were discussing teacher reluctance to use Youtube in the classroom because of the inherent distractions with the site.

    Not only does this help students to stay on track, but it also gives them guidance in learning with the help of the prompts. This could be extremely beneficial in the classroom.


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