Creating ClassPortals



  • Create new blog at (from your current account)
  • Brainstorm and Choose YOUR topic for a ClassPortal (see sample?)
  • Create a Diigo Bookmarks Group on your Topic
  • Add at least one Look to Learn Post
  • Copy and paste the Web 2 Tools Panel?
  • Copy, Edit ClassPortals Feeds Pageflakes and add a link to a Pageflakes feed page
  • Add Core links (search engines, collaborators, core tools, etc.)
  • Adjust Sidebar Widgets
  • Write your About page to describe your classroom integration plan
  • Produce content (Podcasts, Videos / YouTube Channel, VoiceThread, Dipity timelines, Flickr streams, etc.)
  • Leverage the  CEQ-ALL (“seek all”) – personal learning framework? (download)


Works in Progress

Module 3 Scenario – ClassPortals


Imagine that your students develop a sense of mastery and
enthusiasm for Learning to Look but want more.  Participating in
and even facilitating the activities themselves works, but too often
the pressures of an ongoing curriculum curtail pursuing further
inquiry.  What if you had a facility to support ongoing, sporadic
investigations on main interests and themes that have emerged
through Learning to Look activities?


By using a Weblog as a platform, you could empower students as authors to post, comment on and track how topics might evolve over time.  Hey, this sounds like this could develop some good Habits (of Mind)…

But before we get to this, let’s check the Agenda