School Safety WebQuest
Educators & School Staff
How would Educators and School Staff feel about violence at schools? Your job is to understand this perspective, to become an expert at what all different kinds of people would think and feel about schools and violence.
You may choose to make up your own questions or use those provided.
- How would you feel being an educator in schools today? How dangerous do you think schools really are? What are some examples of how school cultures that may promote violence?
- What are common aspects among the plans to reduce school violence? How effective are security systems and metal detectors?
- Who is responsible for the violence and who are the victims? Consider those who might wear trenchcoats as well as those in charge of the schools.
- What do you believe is the real purpose of schooling? According to students who are unhappy with the way schools are, what are some of the main problems?
Your answers to these questions should help you take a position on the main question(s) listed below. Remember, your answers should reflect what educators & school staff members would think and feel:
Why all this violence in schools?!!
In other words...
- Why does it happen?
- Who is responsible?
- How can we stop it?
- How does all this relate to the world outside the school gates?
Use the links below to find answers. If you think you need more site to review, use the extensive Topic Hotlist and broaden your search.
- Improving School Violence Prevention Programs Through Meaningful Evaluation
- Daniel J. Flannery - Kent State University and University Hospitals of Cleveland
- Exposure to Violence and Victimization at School - a systems approach
- Daniel J. Flannery & Mark I. Singer
- Cooperation, Conflict Resolution, and School Violence: A Systems Approach
- Peter T. Coleman and Morton Deutsche
- Stopping School Violence
- National Crime Prevention Council
- Early Warning, Timely Response
- A detailed & highly endorsed report from the Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice
- Survey: Serious violence at 10 percent of schools
- from CNN
- How to Teach Children About Living in a World with Violence
- from Scholastic
- Preventing Conflicts & Violence
- from Good Character
- Terror Touches Schools
- an index of links from Education Week
- Dissecting Columbine's Cult of the Athlete
- from the Washington Post
- Nobody Left to Hate
- Aronson's Jigsaw / Columbine
- School Security & Crisis Preparedness Training
- from the National School Safety and Security Services
- Candidates for the teacher of the year award speak out on school violence.
- from NewsHour - April 22, 1999 (RealAudio available)
- Screener says detectors do not spot small knives
- from the Philadelphia Inquirer
- School Security Equipment and Technology
- from the National School Safety and Security Services
- Districts should proceed cautiously on metal detectors (05/22/00)
- from the New York state School Board News
- How New York got safer schools
- from CNN Interactive
- Scared or Prepared? Reducing Risks with School Security Assessments
- by Kenneth Trump, The High School Magazine, Vol. 6 No. 7, May/June 1999
- Hot Topics - School Safety and Violence
- from Education Week
- The Condition of Education 2001
- from the National Center for Education Statistics
- Quality of the Environment for Learning
- from The Condition of Education 2001
- Participation and Persistence in Education
- from The Condition of Education 2001
- FAQ on Topics related to Elementary and Secondary Education
- from the National Center for Education Statistics
- Ending Compulsory Education
- by Anarchy Youth
- High School Underground
- inspires kids on the fringe in high schools
- How to Reboot America
- Suggestions by an Anarchist to avoid future Columbine massacres
- Thoughts on Education & Real Books
- by John Taylor Gatto