School Safety WebQuest
In the Introduction to this WebQuest, it was suggested that one thing that's great about teenagers is that they know what's what. We hope you've used the teenagers' passion to argue about right and wrong and good and bad. We also hope that perhaps you have made your opinions wiser through discussion and analysis of others' opinions.
You have done amazing work! From learning background information, grappling with a big question and then developing expertise in a particular aspect of the issue, you have engaged in deeper thinking than some people ever do. Congrtulations! We imagine that your school and community are better off for your efforts. And we hope these efforts can continue if you pass this project on to another group of students. Remember, change isn't an event, but a process and if you think globally and act locally, you can change the world.
And this brings up a point you should consider... As much as we encouraged you to think for yourself and find your own actions, we worked from a viewpoint of our own. We have a premise that striving for nonviolence is a better answer than terrorism and chaos. Some people wouldn't agree with this. Some feel that "total destruction is the only solution." Perhaps this is the next WebQuest?