School Safety WebQuest
Real World Feedback
This phase of the WebQuest is integral to the Group Process, so if you aren't coming from that page, please go back and review the section leading up to the Feedback phase.
Below are some links that might get you started thinking about whom your team could contact for feedback before launching your Direct Action. You can also search the Web for others or use contacts within your local community. Perhaps a teacher or parent can help you with making these contacts?
- U.S. House of Representatives
- Member Information from the Office of the Clerk
- ZIP-to-it plus 4 - Contacting Congress
- from Juan Cabanela
- State-by-State School Boards Associations
- alphabetically listed by Google
- Keys to Safer Schools
- a not-for-profit organization devoted to helping parents, schools and other youth oriented organizations have a safer place to learn.
- Center for the Prevention of School Violence
- Produced by North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- Safe and Drug-Free Schools program
- from the U.S. Department of Education
- Message from the Director - Ronald D. Stephens
- from the National School Safety Center
Now Return to the Group Process to complete your Plan for Direct Action