Resources for Investigating Problems/Research
Major References
Catalogs for Selecting Topics, Researching and "Networking"
- "Action Without Borders"
Internet Nonprofit Center
"Information on more nonprofits than any other site in the world!"
An independent federal government agency that conducts foreign assistance and humanitarian aid to advance the political and economic interests of the United States.
Philanthropy Journal
(formerly the Meta-Index for Non-Profit Organizations)
Earth Island
A wide range of environmental/wild life topics.
America's Charities Membership List
Get ideas about the kinds of nonprofits with whom you might work. It gives descriptions and contact infomation which could be helpful.
Projects around the world in which volunteers can participate. These can range from "Children and AIDS" to "Tracking Timber Wolves"
Sample Lesson Plans
- AskERIC Lesson Plans:
- Searchable database for teacher-created lesson plans on many subjects. A sampling is provided below for each catagory.
Resources by General Category
- Comprehensive portal for ecology and conservation news and features.
- Renewable Energy Policy Project
- Information on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable technology information and connections.
- Greenpeace International WWW
- Cconceived in 1971 in Vancouver, Canada, with the purpose of creating a green and peaceful world.
- EnviroLink Network
- Comprehensive "environmental" site with projects and links to others.
- SurfRider Foundation USA
- Posts "Hot Topics" and links relating to water and beach conservation and club events and happenings.
Sample Lesson Plans
- Recycling Paper:
- A hands-on activity by Christy Hornung, Dodge City Public Schools, Dodge City, Kansas.
- Designing an Ecologically Sound City:
- A group activity, by Dianne S. Vance; Park City Middle School, Utah, designed to make students aware of the issues involved in creating sustainable cities.
Trees and Animals
- Rainforest Action Network
- Excellent, graphical interface with a complete analysis of the topic.
Forest Conservation Portal
Over 1,500 forest/biodiversity conservation articles as well as many ways to get involved in forest protection campaigns worldwide.
A Student Guide To Tropical Forest Conservation
by J.Louise Mastrantonio and John K. Francis
Sempervirens Fund
Nonprofit land conservancy working to protect redwood forest lands in the Santa Cruz Mountains and to make that land available for public enjoyment.
The Animal Rights FAQ
Answers Frequently Asked Questions about animal rights
Animal Rights Resource Site
"This community serves as a clearinghouse for information on the Internet related to animal rights and welfare. "
Sample Lesson Plans
- Forest in a Jar:
- Hands-on activity, created by Cindy Cook, Ririe Elementary, in which students create a forest in a jar and learn first hand about the process of succession.
- Forests and Lumbering Around the World:
- A research and role-play activity in which students experience the complexities and opinions involved in forest management and lumbering. (Published in School Library Media Activities Monthly.)
- Lettuce be Different:
- A group activity/lab created by Glenda Lazenby, Casady School, in which students examine their own and the natural world's similarities and diversity.
Global Conflict/Politics
- Global March Against Child Labour
- News, features, photos and more.
- Amnesty International Online
- The Famous "Watch" organization that alerts global citizens of human rights violations wherever thye occur in the world.
- Human Rights Watch
- "Defending Human Rights Worldwide"
- United Nations Child Development Fund
- ISN - International Relations and Security Network
- Links to current world affairs
Sample Lesson Plans
- The Bill of Rights is for Us Today:
- A group activity, by Jacque Peterson, Lehi Junior High School, in which students explore the United States Bill of Rights.
- Civil Rights - Casualties During Wartime:
- An activity, created by Linda Hugle, Hidden Valley High School, in which students explore the limitations to civil rights that have occurred at times of war.
Family Issues
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Resources.
- The Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Internationally recognized human rights for children
- "Facts for Families"
- Information sheets from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Organizes "grassroots challenge to unwarranted corporate influence for years to come."
- Family Health Guide
- From the Harvard Medical School
- Web of Addications
- Fact Sheets on all drugs and addictions
Sample Lesson Plans
- Substance Abuse Influences
- A role-play activity, created by Donna B. Furtado, Richfield Elementary, in which students experience some of the peer pressures involved in taking drugs.
- Family Sculpture
- A role-play activity in which students take on the survival roles of children in a dysfunctional family. This activity was created by Michael Fitzgerald, Drug Education Consultant Nevada Department of Education.
Homelessness, Hunger and
- Homelessness Information
- From the U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development
- HungerWeb
- Collects information on world hunger
- How is poverty measured in the United States?
- Information on income, wealth & poverty. Further articles available from the Institute for Research on Poverty
- Official U.S. Census Information related to poverty
Sample Lesson Plans
- Spaceship Earth
- A group process in which students brainstorm issues that are problems in the world. Shared by Mark A. Williams, Kennedy Middle School.
- Professional world disaster page. "VITA has been active in international development work for 35 years, and has managed development projects throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America in its history."
- The American Red Cross
- This complete Web site is updated daily and features reports on the latest disasters.
- The Living Almanac of Disasters
- View all, fires and transportation disasters throughout histrory by date
- Yahoo's Directory opf Natural Disasters
- Extensive and frequently updated
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- look for fact sheets on natural disasters or diseases
- Outbreak
- Information on many infectious diseases.
Sample Lesson Plans
- Flooding and Other Disasters
- This activity could be easily and beneficially adapted to use the internet news and magazine resources instead of print periodicals. (Published in School Library Media Activities Monthly.)
News Sources available on the Internet
- Google News
- Compiled and ranked by world interest
- CNN Interactive
- Detailed stories constantly updated
- Time Magazine
- Latest issue and archives
Yahoo! Directory Newspapers
- Includes columnists, K-12, tabloids, etc.
- USA Today
- The popular daily on the Web
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