Learning with WebQuests

Pre-Writing Your WebQuest

an exercise in 4 Parts

Note: This page uses a Javascript. This means you have to use Netscape or Explorer versions 3 or higher with "javascript enabled." Also as javascript pages don't save the data you enter, you might want to collect the info on a word processed file, then copy and paste from it into this page. Thanks.


The purpose of this page is to help designers of WebQuests quickly think through some key elements before they invest gobs of time designing their WebQuest. This is a good activity to use in WebQuest workshops so that participants can share what they came up with. If you want more info on these aspects, use the WebQuest Design Process to get more ideas and resources to help you.

  1. Fill in all the input and text fields on this page. You don't have to go in the order they are listed. Since curriculum is a creative process it's likely you will go back and forth between sections as your ideas clarify and the sparks fly.

  2. When you are satisfied with everything, click the "How 'bout that?" button.

  3. A working page will be generated for you. Because this page is run by a javascript, none of your work is saved unless you do so. Many people prefer to use Filamentality or Web-and-Flow as these sites create a datafile that can be accessed repeatedly from anywhere on the Web. You choose.

Part 1 - The Big Ideas

Use this section to identify main aspects of this WebQuest. Click on the headings to find out more about what's being asked for.

Part 2 - Links You're Likely to Use

List three websites that you feel will engage and support students in their efforts to answer the Question. These will show how you plan to use the power / character of the Web. They aren't all the sites you'd like to use, just a sampling. Do you want a few ideas on Use of the Web?

Part 3 - Roles or Jobs for Developing Expertise

List the likely Roles or Jobs you plan to divide student groups into. As a general rule, three - four roles is usually a good number. Want a few tips on Creating Roles or Jobs?

Part 4 - 10 "Go / No Go" Questions

I have answered yes to all these questions or else my questions / comments are listed below:

  1. Is the Topic curricularly worth the time and effort needed to build this WebQuest?
    (Think about Frameworks, curriculum guides, course requirements, etc.)

  2. Is the level of potential student cognition / learning worth your and their effort to do this WebQuest?

  3. Are you excited by the activity?

  4. Does the Web offer so much that its use is warranted?
    (Do you want some tips on Picking Links?)

  5. Does the Question ask something that people in the real world find important?
    (i.e., this isn't just school work, is it?)

  6. Is the answer to the question open to interpretation / argument / hypothesis?
    (Want some sample Questions / Tasks?)

  7. Have you specifically identified the kind of higher-level, transformative thinking that will transpire in the minds of learners?

  8. Would most teachers have the right technology, time, and comfort level to support the Task you've identified?

  9. Do you believe there's enough on the Web to support the roles?
    (what in-class supplements might be needed?)

  10. Is this a WebQuest or really another format? (last chance for an easier way out - Treasure Hunt, Subject Sampler, Concept Builder, etc.)

If you've answered yes to all the questions above,
you're on the way to creating a great WebQuest!

First Posted November 16, 1998
Last Updated, April 17, 2001