Your Title Here

Introduction | A Day in the Life | Time Warp | Just the Facts | A Funny Thing... | Conclusion


Show that you know the basic facts about the Donner Party's tragedy. Write some brief text intro in this section, then you will bullet out the most important facts.

info goes here

info goes here

info goes here

info goes here

info goes here

info goes here

A Day in the Life...

Written and illustrated by: DiaristName & PictorialistName

Provide a first person account/reflection upon the Donner experience. This could be quoted or recreated. It should be authentic and accurate. Place some of the text here and some after the picture. (You may need to fuss a little bit with layout depending how large your image is).

    More of the description goes here to flow around the photo.

Time Warp - The Donner Party, circa 1995

Written and illustrated by: ProvisionerName & CartographerName

Make some interesting links between past and present. This could include an equipment list and some images from an online catalog (here're the bullets for the list):

  • don't leave home without it #1
  • don't leave home without it #2
  • don't leave home without it #3
  • don't leave home without it #4
  • don't leave home without it #5
  • don't leave home without it #6
  • don't leave home without it #7
  • don't leave home without it #8
  • don't leave home without it #9
  • don't leave home without it #10
  • don't leave home without it #11
  • don't leave home without it #12

Also refer to some maps, trails, passes, landmarks, itineraries, etc. to help the modern traveler envision taking this trip. You could describe the roads around the Donner area today versus the mountain passes of the 1800s. There should be some specifics mentioned here. Give readers of your Web page some info/insights that they couldn't have gotten from simply using their imaginations. Place some of the text here and some after the map(s). (You may need to fuss a little bit with layout depending how large your image is).

    More of the description goes here to flow around the map.

"Just the Facts...?"

Written and illustrated by: ScientistName & CorrespondentName

Provide some scientific evidence or theories about what happens to the body, mind, appetite, etc. under frigid/starvation conditions. There should be some quoting of experts or citing of evidence here. It should be reasonable and show some hard thinking. Place some of the text here and then put some quotes below. Tell where your quotations came from (an article on the Web or an email message from a listserv?).

put a quote from someone here.
-- Their Name

put another quote from someone else here.
-- Their Name

"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to..."

Written by Jester: JesterName

Sometimes people say they laugh to keep from crying, sometimes humor shares truths that are easier to ignore, sometimes humor is inappropriate... Use this section to share some lighter side to the Donner Tragedy. If you want a Top Ten List, the numbering follows:

  1. You know you... #1
  2. You know you... #2
  3. You know you... #3
  4. You know you... #4
  5. You know you... #5
  6. You know you... #6
  7. You know you... #7
  8. You know you... #8
  9. You know you... #9
  10. You know you... #10


The Donner Party's experience touches on many conflicting themes: Opportunity & Risk, Beauty & Danger, Humor & Tragedy... It often seems that life presents us with complex experiences. Through looking closely at the facts and issues behind the history of the Donner Party, we confronted what it means to be human. The following are our responses to some of the bigger questions behind the Donner Tragedy:

How do you balance opportunity and its possible risks?

Put your answer in here. This should be a thoughtful paragraph that makes its points by refering to things you learned from Donner Online.

Written by: CartographerName, ScientistName, & ProvisionerName

Is humor appropriate in the face of tragedy?

Put your answer in here. This should be a thoughtful paragraph that makes its points by referencing things from Donner Online.

Written by: DiaristName & JesterName

How can humans find peace in a world that couples
natural beauty with devastating peril?

Put your answer in here. This should be a thoughtful paragraph that makes its points by referencing things from Donner Online.
Written by: PictorialistName & DemographerName

Interesting Links about the Donner Party

Created date, year Email your feedback & ideas to:
Cartographer: Cartographer's Name
Correspondent: Correspondent's Name
Diarist: Diarist's Name
Jester: Jester's Name
Pictorialist: Pictorialist's Name
Provisioner: Provisioner's Name
Scientist: Scientist's Name

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