China on the Net

a collection of Internet sites on China

Introduction | Background | Touring | News | Culture | Religion
Arts | Business | Human Rights | Environment | Neighbors | Leaders | Olympics


The following links should represent a good starting point for people using the Internet to study China. I've used many of these Websites in learning activities for Pacific Bell's Knowledge Network Explorer. Check out learning pages like a Treasure Hunt, a Multimedia Scrapbook, a Subject Sampler and two different WebQuests. You can explore these China Webpages or use the links below to achieve your own learning goals.

I've listed some Websites below that serve as hotlists themselves in case you need to do more searching. Otherwise the sites in this "China on the Net" Webpage have been grouped together in narrower categories to help you zoom right to the particular aspect of China you're interested in.

The Internet Resources - Diigo Tag Cloud

The Internet Resources - Traditional List of Links

Background Information

Touring the Country

News Updates

Chinese Culture


The Visual Arts


Human Rights

The Environment

China's Relations with her Neighbors

Asian Leaders

China and the Bid for the 2008 Olympics

Last revised February, 2005
Created by Tom March, tom at ozline dot com
Applications Design Team/Wired Learning