Searching for China
ChinaQuest: Museum Curator

We Need Your Help

Thanks for joining us. As a Museum Curator, you have a strong interest in preserving the world's cultural treasures. Now you need to get a mental picture on how key issues in China relate to this overall goal. You'll be guided to look closely at three main issues and to find examples (facts, statistics, quotations, or any other Inputs*) that you think provide important insights on the issues. After you've collected three examples for each issue, your job will be to put the information together into one statement that tells a "Truth" about that particular key issue related to preserving cultural treasures. You'll do this three times.

If you need more information about the activity you'll be doing, click on the appropriate link below:

About Javascript | More Instructions? | A Sample? | Reasons for this Activity?

Exploring Examples to Discover the Truth

Note: What you type into this page will be used to create the Full Report for your role. None of the information you type or paste is saved, so it will disappear when you've finished with this page. It's a good idea to copy/paste or print out your report when you've finished it. If you're working with a computer or browser that crashes, be particularly careful and save your work as a word processor file first and then paste into the correct fields below. Your browser must be able to use Javascript.

Begin by typing your name as you want it to appear in your report:

Then work your way through each of the three questions targeting key issues.
Remember, you can always use the links below if you want to.

Instructions? | Sample? | Why this Activity? | Issue #1 | Issue #2 | Issue #3 | Action Plan

Issue #1: What are the main aspects or attitudes in Chinese art?
Question to examples
The Splendors of China -
Asian Art Museum of SF

Use this example in support?

Tibet: Tradition and Change -
The Albuquerque Museum

Use this example in support?

The Art of China Homepage
hosted at Purdue University

Use this example in support?

Three examples form 1 Truth
Based upon these specific examples, write a "Truth" that answers the question above.

Instructions? | Sample? | Why this Activity? | Issue #1 | Issue #2 | Issue #3 | Action Plan

Issue #2: What's happening to the Tibetan culture?
Question to examples
Conserving Tibetan Art
and Architecture

Use this example in support?

Destruction of a Culture:
Tibet after the Chinese Conquest

Use this example in support?

Identity of Tibet
survives changes

Use this example in support?

Three examples form 1 Truth
Based upon these specific examples, write a "Truth" that answers the question above.

Instructions? | Sample? | Why this Activity? | Issue #1 | Issue #2 | Issue #3 | Action Plan

Issue #3: How is religion related to Chinese art?
Question to examples
Mandala of Bhutadamara
blends religion and art

Use this example in support?

Structure of the Mandala:
describes mandalas' parts

Use this example in support?

Lao Tsu's Tao Te Ching:
a translation

Use this example in support?

Three examples form 1 Truth
Based upon these specific examples, write a "Truth" that answers the question above.

Instructions? | Sample? | Why this Activity? | Issue #1 | Issue #2 | Issue #3 | Action Plan

Focusing your Argument: an Action Plan

By looking at the situation in China from one perspective, you have become an expert on issues that relate to cultural treasures. Your team (and the World Wide Web community) need your expert advice. In your opinion, what would be the most effective plan of action to preserve Chinese (and Tibetan) cultural treasures? In other words, what do we need to do to "make it happen?" Use the truths you have learned to make sure we tap into goldmines that could help everyone and avoid landmines that could threaten us all.

Your Action Plan should be a clear statement about what should be done to preserve cultural treasures. It does not have to be long, but it should be thoughtful.

Type in your Action Plan here:

Once you have a solid Action Plan, click "Create My Full Report." A window will pop open with your customized report. Come back to this page as often as you like to adjust your examples (click in the checkbox if you don't want that example included in your report) and smooth out your Truths and Action Plan until it all makes sense together. Clicking on the "Create My Full Report" button again will change your Full Report Webpage. Copy/paste or print out your Full Report and bring it back to your teammates.

Return to "Searching for China"

Last revised February, 2005
Created by Tom March, tom at ozline dot com
Applications Design Team/Wired Learning